Ranking All 9 Pixar Sequels From Worst to Best

Ranking All 9 Pixar Sequels From Worst to Best

“Inside Out 2” marks Pixar’s ninth sequel, arriving nearly a decade after the original. As Riley navigates puberty, new emotions like Anxiety join the mix. While TheWrap has its review, we’re here to rank Pixar’s sequels from worst to best.

At the bottom, we have “Cars 3.” This film, though introducing memorable characters like Cruz Ramirez, lacks a compelling story. Lightning McQueen faces the end of his career, but the narrative doesn’t stand out among Pixar’s other sequels.

Next is “Toy Story 4.” While it introduces Forky, the plot feels unnecessary. Woody’s decision to leave his friends contradicts his character’s established motivations, making the film feel out of place.

“Cars 2” follows, notable for its absurdity. Mater becomes a spy, earning a knighthood and helping Lightning McQueen. The film’s silliness is its charm, but it doesn’t hold up against Pixar’s stronger sequels.

“Finding Dory” explores Dory’s backstory, adding depth to her character. The film’s emotional journey and thrilling car chase set to “What a Wonderful World” make it a standout, though it just misses the top spots.

“Monsters University” offers a delightful origin story for Mike and Sulley’s friendship. The college setting and themes of brotherhood make it rewatchable, edging out “Finding Dory.”

“Inside Out 2” captures the magic of its predecessor, breaking down complex emotions like anxiety for children. Visually stunning and emotionally resonant, it earns its place among Pixar’s best sequels.

“Incredibles 2” was highly anticipated and largely delivered. Focusing on Elastigirl, it balances action and humor, making it a fun superhero film outside the usual franchises.

“Toy Story 3” delves into the fears of adulthood and leaving childhood behind. The emotional depth and perfect ending for Woody, Buzz, and the gang make it a near-perfect sequel.

Finally, “Toy Story 2” takes the top spot. Introducing beloved characters like Jessie and Bullseye, it stays true to the original while adding emotional weight. The scene set to “When Somebody Loved Me” is unforgettable, making it a perfect sequel.

In summary, Pixar’s sequels vary in quality, but each brings something unique to the table. “Inside Out 2” continues this tradition, adding to Pixar’s legacy of emotionally rich storytelling.

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