Reid Middle School 8th Graders Visit Berkshire Humane Society

Reid Middle School 8th Graders Visit Berkshire Humane Society

Eighth graders from Reid Middle School recently visited the Berkshire Humane Society, bringing with them a generous donation of food and $700. This visit was the culmination of a philanthropic giving course they had taken, which introduced them to various nonprofits in the Berkshires.

The students were tasked with researching different organizations and presenting their findings to the class. They had to choose a nonprofit they felt passionate about and make a compelling case for why it deserved their support. After thorough research and presentations, the students collectively decided to support Mass Hire and the Berkshire Humane Society.

Each of the 14 students received $100 from a local insurance company to donate to their chosen nonprofit, resulting in a total of $700 for each organization. The students’ decision to support the Berkshire Humane Society was influenced by their love for animals and the belief that their contribution would make a significant impact.

Ronan MacDonald and Lucas Parise were the students who pitched the idea of supporting the Berkshire Humane Society. Their presentation highlighted the importance of helping animals and the various programs the organization offers. Parise had a personal goal for the visit: to hug a Pitbull. He was thrilled to achieve this goal, hugging a dog named Beethoven.

The students’ enthusiasm for the cause was evident, and many were swayed by MacDonald and Parise’s passionate pitch. Kwest Koduah and Tyler Mandell, initially considering a different nonprofit, were convinced by their classmates’ arguments and decided to support the Berkshire Humane Society.

During their visit, the students toured the facility and learned about the organization’s programs from the executive director, John Perrault. They were given the opportunity to specify which program their donation would support. The students chose the Humane Society’s wellness clinic, which provides affordable and accessible veterinary care.

Perrault expressed his gratitude for the students’ generosity and their interest in supporting the community. He emphasized the importance of nurturing young philanthropists and the positive impact they can have on the future.

The visit to the Berkshire Humane Society was a memorable experience for the students, allowing them to see firsthand the difference their donation would make. It also reinforced the lessons they had learned in their philanthropic giving course, showing them the various ways they can give back to their community.

The students’ visit and donation to the Berkshire Humane Society highlight the importance of teaching young people about philanthropy and community service. By engaging in these activities, students learn valuable lessons about empathy, generosity, and the impact they can have on the world around them.

The philanthropic giving course at Reid Middle School has clearly made a lasting impression on these eighth graders. Their decision to support the Berkshire Humane Society demonstrates their commitment to making a positive difference in their community. The experience has not only benefited the animals at the Humane Society but has also instilled a sense of responsibility and compassion in the students.

As the students continue their education and grow into young adults, the lessons they have learned through this course will undoubtedly influence their future actions. Their visit to the Berkshire Humane Society is a testament to the power of education and the importance of fostering a spirit of giving in the next generation.

The Berkshire Humane Society, with the support of these young philanthropists, can continue to provide essential services to animals in need. The students’ donation to the wellness clinic will help ensure that more animals receive the care they need, making a tangible difference in their lives.

In conclusion, the eighth graders from Reid Middle School have shown that even small acts of kindness can have a significant impact. Their visit to the Berkshire Humane Society and their generous donation are a shining example of the positive change that can come from teaching young people about the importance of giving back to their community.

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