RFK Jr. who runs as an alternative to Trump and Biden denies barbecuing a dog

RFK Jr. who runs as an alternative to Trump and Biden denies barbecuing a dog

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is currently navigating a storm of bizarre allegations, including a particularly strange claim that he once ate a barbecued dog. This accusation emerged from a Vanity Fair article, which included a photograph of Kennedy holding a roasted animal carcass. Vanity Fair consulted a veterinarian who suggested the carcass was likely that of a dog, based on the number of ribs visible in the photo. The article also mentioned that Kennedy had once recommended a restaurant in Asia that served dog meat to a friend.

Kennedy, an environmental lawyer and independent presidential candidate, vehemently denied the allegations. He clarified on the political podcast “Breaking Points” that the animal in the photo was actually a goat, not a dog. He explained that the picture was taken during a white-water trip in Patagonia on the Futaleufú River many years ago. Kennedy dismissed the veterinarian’s assessment as “just not true” and criticized Vanity Fair for what he described as tabloid-level journalism.

In a social media post, Kennedy reiterated his stance, stating, “Hey @VanityFair, you know when your veterinary experts call a goat a dog, and your forensic experts say a photo taken in Patagonia was taken in Korea, that you’ve joined the ranks of supermarket tabloids. Keep telling America that up is down if you want. I’ll keep talking about…”

The Vanity Fair article also included allegations from Eliza Cooney, who claimed she worked as a babysitter for Kennedy in 1998. Cooney alleged that Kennedy groped her in the kitchen of his family home. Addressing these accusations on the podcast, Kennedy admitted to having a “very, very rambunctious youth” and acknowledged having “many skeletons in my closet.” However, he refused to comment on the specifics of the decades-old allegations, suggesting that Vanity Fair was recycling old stories.

This isn’t the first time Kennedy has been at the center of unusual headlines. In a 2012 deposition during his divorce proceedings, he mentioned that a doctor had once told him he had a worm in his brain. He explained that doctors had found a dark spot in his brain, which one doctor suggested was caused by a worm that had eaten a portion of it before dying. Kennedy admitted to having cognitive problems, including short-term and long-term memory loss.

Kennedy has also been a controversial figure due to his promotion of public-health conspiracy theories and anti-vaccine misinformation. Despite these controversies, he is running as an independent candidate in the upcoming presidential election, positioning himself as an alternative to President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump.

In a recent interview with Dr. Phil, Kennedy defended his campaign and his controversial positions. He acknowledged that he has a “perception problem” in the mainstream media, with some potential voters viewing him as a “lunatic.” However, he stood by his claims that federal health officials had compromised motives for approving COVID-19 vaccines. He insisted that being described as anti-vax is defamatory, stating that he and his children are fully vaccinated, except for the COVID-19 vaccine.

Kennedy also criticized President Biden’s performance in office, describing it as “heartbreaking” and comparing it to “watching your five-year-old the first time they play on a jungle gym.” Despite being left off the presidential debate stage, Kennedy expressed confidence in his campaign, citing polls that show both Biden and Trump are the least-liked pair of major party presidential candidates in decades.

Kennedy also addressed concerns that his campaign might act as a spoiler, pulling enough votes to tip the election in favor of one of the major-party candidates. He proposed taking a poll before election day to determine whether voters prefer him or Biden to take on Trump, with the results dictating who should be on the ballot in November.

Despite the controversies and challenges, Kennedy remains optimistic about his chances. He believes he is in a unique position as an independent candidate and insists that in a head-to-head race, he could beat Trump and defeat Biden by a “landslide.”

As the presidential election approaches, Kennedy’s campaign continues to attract attention, both for his policy proposals and the bizarre allegations that seem to follow him. Whether these controversies will impact his chances at the polls remains to be seen, but Kennedy is determined to keep pushing forward, offering himself as an alternative to the current political landscape.

Source: Vanity Fair, Breaking Points, Dr. Phil

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