RHONY Alum Carole Radziwill Claps Back at Nasty Andy Cohen

RHONY Alum Carole Radziwill Claps Back at Nasty Andy Cohen

Carole Radziwill, a former star of “The Real Housewives of New York City” (RHONY), has fired back at Andy Cohen after he suggested she was the anonymous source who criticized him in a recent New York Magazine profile. Radziwill took to X, formerly known as Twitter, to express her disdain for Cohen’s comments, calling him “condescending” and “absurd.”

The drama began when Cohen, during an episode of his SiriusXM radio show “Radio Andy,” confidently identified Radziwill as the anonymous RHONY alum who had made disparaging remarks about him. “It’s Carole Radziwill, no question,” Cohen told his co-host, John Hill. He added, “There are 18 reasons why it’s Carole.”

Radziwill, known for her sharp wit, didn’t hold back in her response. “Someone can make a truthful observation & there’s always one short-ish dude waiting to be offended,” she tweeted. She further elaborated, “They’re all so vindictive which I believe is the point of the quote & confirmed by Andy’s nasty response.”

In a series of follow-up tweets, Radziwill continued to criticize Cohen, suggesting that he should apologize for singling her out. “At this point why would any normal person use their name? They’re all so vindictive which I believe is the point of the quote & confirmed by Andy’s nasty response,” she wrote.

Cohen’s comments on his radio show seemed to stem from his belief that Radziwill had no reason to remain anonymous, given her history of publicly criticizing him. “Carole has said a lot of unkind things about me that she has tweeted and been quoted about. So, I was like, why are you going off the record here? It was so weird to me. I didn’t understand,” Cohen said.

The anonymous quote in question criticized the direction RHONY had taken, moving from “silly humor about middle-aged women getting drunk and being delusional about their status” to more serious and contentious storylines. The unnamed source also took a jab at Cohen’s baby shower, describing it as a “cringe moment” where everyone was expected to “dance for Andy and his baby.”

Radziwill and Cohen’s relationship has been rocky for some time. They were once close when Radziwill joined RHONY in 2011, but their friendship deteriorated over the years. The tension between them became particularly evident during the season 10 reunion in 2018, where Radziwill accused Cohen of siding with Bethenny Frankel during their feud.

Radziwill announced her departure from RHONY in July 2018 after six seasons, but it seems the drama between her and Cohen is far from over. Her recent tweets suggest that she is not willing to let Cohen’s comments slide without a fight.

Cohen, on the other hand, seemed perplexed by Radziwill’s decision to remain anonymous in the New York Magazine profile. “We haven’t really fired that many New York Housewives. It’s very obvious,” he said, implying that Radziwill’s identity as the source was clear to him.

The anonymous quote also criticized the evolution of RHONY, suggesting that the show had lost its original charm. “The show went from silly humor about middle-aged women getting drunk and being delusional about their status and having funny, petty arguments, to Housewives investigating and doing opposition research and making up false storylines and leaking stories on each other,” the source said.

This isn’t the first time Radziwill has publicly criticized Cohen. Over the years, she has made several comments about him on social media and in interviews. However, this latest exchange seems to have reignited their feud, with both parties unwilling to back down.

As the drama unfolds, fans of RHONY and followers of both Radziwill and Cohen are left wondering what will happen next. Will Cohen apologize as Radziwill demands, or will the feud continue to escalate? One thing is for sure: when it comes to the world of reality TV, the drama is never truly over.

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