Ringo Starr shares video highlights of his Peace and Love birthday celebration

Ringo Starr shares video highlights of his Peace and Love birthday celebration

Ringo Starr is giving fans a glimpse into his Peace & Love birthday celebration, which took place on Sunday. The legendary rocker, who turned 84, shared a video featuring highlights from the event held at Beverly Hills Park. The footage captures Ringo arriving with family and friends, posing in front of his impressive stainless steel, 8-foot-tall, 800-pound peace sculpture. He is later joined by his brother-in-law, Eagles guitarist Joe Walsh, for more photos in front of the sculpture.

The video also shows Ringo walking the press line and includes clips of performances by artists such as Ben Harper, Ben Dickey, and Willie Watson. A particularly touching moment in the video is a snippet of a speech by Joe Walsh, who wishes his “best friend” Ringo a happy 84th birthday. “The world loves Ringo Starr because how could they not,” Walsh says, capturing the sentiment of many.

Ringo, visibly moved by the turnout, addresses the crowd, saying, “I am getting overwhelmed there are so many of you now. We started doing this celebration with about 50 people in 2008. I am truly grateful you all turned up today otherwise I’d be lonely. … We are going round the world – we are in 34 countries and all I can do is say is peace and love.”

The event was graced by several famous names, including Stephen Stills, Edgar Winter, Matt Sorum, Diane Warren, and Linda Perry. The video concludes with a united “peace and love” declaration, followed by a performance of The Beatles’ “Birthday.” A two-tiered cake is then brought out as Joe Walsh leads the crowd in singing “Happy Birthday.”

Ringo Starr’s Peace & Love birthday celebrations have become a global phenomenon since they began in 2008. Each year, on July 7, Ringo invites people worldwide to think, say, or post “Peace & Love” at noon local time. This simple yet powerful gesture aims to create a wave of peace and love that encircles the planet. The campaign has grown significantly, with official group greetings organized by “Peace & Love ambassadors” in 28 countries.

This year, Green Bay was one of 34 confirmed cities worldwide participating in the celebration, alongside major cities like Las Vegas, Los Angeles, New York City, London, Tokyo, Sydney, and Mexico City. A local event in Green Bay saw fans gather at the Vince Lombardi and Curly Lambeau statues outside Lambeau Field to record Ringo’s signature “Peace & Love” exclamation. The event was organized by “Peace & Love” ambassador Dee Lynn and was described as “a Wisconsin first.”

Fans were encouraged to dress in their favorite Beatles or Ringo Starr attire and bring signs to show their support. The meet-up even got some air time on SiriusXM’s The Beatles Channel and its “Fab Fourum” call-in talk show, which has been running special “Ringo Starr Peace & Love Birthday Week” programming.

Ringo celebrated his birthday in Los Angeles with his annual Peace & Love Birthday event, joined by his wife Barbara Starkey and a guest list that included Joe Walsh, Fred Armisen, Ben Harper, Stephen Stills, Ed Begley Jr., Don Was, and Roy Orbison Jr. At noon PST, they all joined in the “Peace and Love” exclamation, continuing the tradition that has brought joy and unity to fans around the world.

Ringo Starr’s birthday celebrations are more than just a personal milestone; they are a testament to his enduring message of peace and love. His influence extends far beyond his music, touching the lives of many who look up to him as a role model for his philanthropy and his personal journey of overcoming addiction. The annual Peace & Love event is a reflection of Ringo’s genuine desire to spread positivity and unity, a mission that resonates with fans across the globe.

As the video highlights show, Ringo’s birthday is not just a celebration of his life but a celebration of the values he holds dear. The growing number of participants each year is a testament to the impact of his message. From the heartfelt speeches to the joyous performances, the event encapsulates the spirit of peace and love that Ringo has championed throughout his career.

In a world that often feels divided, Ringo Starr’s Peace & Love birthday celebration serves as a reminder of the power of unity and the importance of spreading kindness. As fans around the world join in the annual tradition, they are not just celebrating a music legend but also embracing a message that has the potential to bring about real change.

Source: ABC Audio, Green Bay Press-Gazette

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