RNC Panel Endorses Trump-Influenced 2024 GOP Platform

RNC Panel Endorses Trump-Influenced 2024 GOP Platform

The Republican National Committee’s 2024 platform, approved by its platform committee and released Monday, is heavily influenced by presumptive presidential nominee and former President Donald Trump. In a significant shift from previous years, the platform supports the rights of states to make their own abortion laws.

The 2016 RNC platform mentioned “abortion” 35 times and backed a constitutional amendment to ban it, asserting the sanctity of human life and affirming that the unborn child has a fundamental right to life. The 2024 platform, however, only mentions the word once. It states, “We proudly stand for families and life,” and emphasizes that the 14th Amendment guarantees that no person can be denied life or liberty without due process. It further notes that states are free to pass laws protecting those rights.

The platform has been initially approved by the RNC committee and is expected to go to a full vote on Tuesday, with official approval anticipated on the first day of the Republican National Convention next week.

The platform also expresses opposition to late-term abortion and supports policies that advance prenatal care, access to birth control, and IVF (fertility treatments). Ralph Reed, founder and chairman of the Faith and Freedom Coalition, who had previously expressed concerns about removing abortion language, appeared to support the GOP platform as released. Reed stated, “The Republican Party platform makes clear the unborn child has a right to life that is protected by the Constitution under the due process clause of the 14th Amendment.” He added that the proposed ban on late-term abortion implies both federal and state action, reflecting an unapologetically pro-life position.

RNC Chairman Michael Whatley and Co-chair Lara Trump focused on the economy and the border in their statement on the platform. They emphasized that only President Trump can restore the economy, secure the southern border, and restore America’s standing in the world. They described the 2024 Republican Party Platform as a bold roadmap to undo the damage caused by Joe Biden’s policies and to power President Trump to a historic victory in November.

Titled “2024 GOP Platform: Make America Great Again!” the platform bears clear signs of Trump’s influence, emphasizing border security and stopping the “migrant crime epidemic.” It includes a goal to carry out “the largest deportation operation in American history” and proposes building a “great iron dome missile defense shield over our entire country.”

Trump and his campaign have also adopted a new proposal in recent months — eliminating taxes on tips. This proposal is frequently mentioned by Trump at rallies and appears in the RNC 2024 platform, along with a promise to end inflation, which has been easing.

The GOP platform also states that there will be no cuts to Social Security or Medicare and no changes to the retirement age. It calls for the cancellation of the push for electric vehicles and the reduction of regulations. Additionally, it advocates for “same day voting, voter identification, paper ballots, and proof of citizenship” as means to “secure our elections.”

The platform’s approval marks a significant moment for the Republican Party as it aligns itself closely with Trump’s vision and policies. The emphasis on state rights regarding abortion laws, strong border security measures, and economic policies aimed at reducing taxes and inflation reflect Trump’s influence on the party’s direction.

As the platform moves towards final approval, it is clear that the Republican Party is positioning itself for a contentious and high-stakes election in 2024. The focus on key issues such as abortion, border security, and economic policies will likely resonate with the party’s base and shape the political discourse in the coming months.

Source: CBS News

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