Roger Daltrey of The Who criticizes setlist sharing saying the Internet has ruined live shows for him

Roger Daltrey of The Who criticizes setlist sharing saying the Internet has ruined live shows for him

Roger Daltrey, the iconic frontman of The Who, has recently voiced his frustration with the modern trend of setlist sharing on the Internet, claiming it has significantly diminished his enjoyment of live performances. In a candid interview, Daltrey expressed his discontent with how the digital age has altered the concert experience, making it less spontaneous and more predictable.

Daltrey, known for his powerful voice and dynamic stage presence, lamented that the element of surprise, which once defined live shows, has been eroded by the widespread sharing of setlists online. “The Internet has ruined live shows for me,” he stated bluntly. “People know exactly what to expect before they even step into the venue. It takes away the magic.”

The Who, a band that has been a cornerstone of rock music for decades, has always prided itself on delivering electrifying and unpredictable performances. Daltrey reminisced about the days when fans would come to a concert with no idea what songs would be played, creating an atmosphere of excitement and anticipation. “There was a time when you went to a show and you didn’t know what was coming next. That was part of the thrill,” he said.

In today’s digital age, however, setlists are often posted online within minutes of a concert’s start, allowing fans at subsequent shows to know exactly what to expect. This, according to Daltrey, has led to a homogenization of the live music experience. “It’s like watching a movie when you already know the ending,” he explained. “It just doesn’t have the same impact.”

Daltrey’s comments have sparked a broader conversation about the impact of technology on live music. While some fans appreciate knowing what songs will be played, others agree with Daltrey, feeling that the element of surprise is a crucial part of the concert experience. “I understand why people do it,” Daltrey acknowledged. “But for me, it takes away from the spontaneity and the connection between the band and the audience.”

The Who’s setlists have always been a topic of great interest among fans, with the band often mixing classic hits with deeper cuts and new material. Daltrey emphasized that the band’s approach to crafting a setlist is a thoughtful process, aimed at creating a unique and memorable experience for each audience. “We put a lot of thought into our setlists,” he said. “We want to take the audience on a journey, and that journey is different every night.”

Despite his frustrations, Daltrey remains committed to delivering powerful performances. He expressed hope that fans will come to appreciate the value of experiencing a concert without preconceived notions. “I just want people to come to the show and be in the moment,” he said. “That’s what live music is all about.”

Daltrey’s critique of setlist sharing is part of a larger discourse on how the Internet has transformed the music industry. From streaming services to social media, technology has revolutionized how music is consumed and experienced. While these changes have brought many benefits, they have also introduced new challenges for artists and fans alike.

For Daltrey, the key to preserving the magic of live music lies in embracing the unpredictability that makes each performance unique. “Every show should be a one-of-a-kind experience,” he asserted. “That’s what makes it special.”

As The Who continues to tour and connect with audiences around the world, Daltrey’s words serve as a reminder of the enduring power of live music. In an era where information is readily available at the click of a button, the thrill of the unknown remains a vital part of the concert experience. “There’s nothing like the feeling of being surprised by a song you didn’t expect to hear,” Daltrey concluded. “That’s what keeps live music alive.”

In the end, Daltrey’s critique is a call to fans to embrace the spontaneity and excitement that make live performances so memorable. While the Internet has undoubtedly changed the landscape of the music industry, the essence of a great concert remains the same: a shared experience between the artist and the audience, filled with moments of surprise and connection. As Daltrey and The Who continue to rock stages around the world, they remind us all of the timeless magic of live music.

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