Rudy Giuliani disbarred for false and misleading statements about 2020 election

Rudy Giuliani disbarred for false and misleading statements about 2020 election

Rudy Giuliani, the former New York City mayor and personal attorney to former President Donald Trump, has been disbarred in New York. The decision, handed down by the Appellate Division First Department, is a direct consequence of Giuliani’s false and misleading statements regarding the 2020 presidential election. The court found that Giuliani made these statements to courts, lawmakers, and the public while representing Trump and his campaign in their failed efforts to overturn the election results.

Giuliani, who had his law license suspended in 2021 for similar reasons, claimed he believed the statements he made at the time. However, the court was not convinced. The ruling stated, “Contrary to respondent’s allegations, there is nothing on the record before us that would permit the conclusion that respondent lacked knowledge of the falsehood of the numerous statements that he made, and that he had a good faith basis to believe them to be true.”

The court emphasized the gravity of Giuliani’s actions, noting that he not only violated fundamental tenets of the legal profession but also contributed to the national strife following the 2020 election. The decision read, “The seriousness of respondent’s misconduct cannot be overstated. Respondent not only deliberately violated some of the most fundamental tenets of the legal profession, but he also actively contributed to the national strife that has followed the 2020 Presidential election, for which he is entirely unrepentant.”

Ted Goodman, a spokesperson for Giuliani, announced that they would appeal the decision. “Members of the legal community who respect the rule of law in this country should immediately come forward and speak out against this politically and ideologically corrupted decision. We will be appealing this objectively flawed decision in hopes that the appellate process will restore integrity into our system of justice,” Goodman said in a statement.

Giuliani’s disbarment is the latest in a series of legal troubles stemming from his actions following the 2020 election. In May, he pleaded not guilty to nine felony charges related to an alleged “fake elector” scheme in Arizona. He was charged alongside 17 others for their roles in the scheme. Additionally, Giuliani agreed to cease making accusations of election fraud against two former Georgia election workers who won a $148 million judgment after a judge found him guilty of defamation.

The court’s decision to disbar Giuliani is based on his repeated false statements about the 2020 election. The ruling stated, “These false statements were made to improperly bolster respondent’s narrative that due to widespread voter fraud, victory in the 2020 United States presidential election was stolen from his client.” The court found that Giuliani’s actions were deliberate and constituted a pattern of conduct designed to deceive.

The court-appointed referee who examined the charges against Giuliani determined that 16 of the 20 disciplinary charges had been proven. The appeals court agreed with the referee’s findings, stating that they were “well founded and thoroughly explained.” The court noted that Giuliani’s falsehoods were deliberate and constituted a transparent pattern of conduct intended to deceive.

The court’s decision also highlighted Giuliani’s misuse of his prominent position as Trump’s personal attorney. “Respondent flagrantly misused his prominent position as the personal attorney for former President Trump and his campaign, through which respondent repeatedly and intentionally made false statements, some of which were perjurious, to the federal court, state lawmakers, the public, the AGC, and this court concerning the 2020 Presidential election, in which he baselessly attacked and undermined the integrity of this country’s electoral process,” the ruling stated.

Giuliani’s false claims included allegations that people were brought from New Jersey to vote illegally in Philadelphia, that trucks delivered ballots in paper bags and trash receptacles in Michigan, and that thousands of votes were cast by dead people in Georgia. He repeated these claims in various venues, including state legislatures and a press conference at Four Seasons Total Landscaping in Philadelphia.

The court’s decision to disbar Giuliani is a significant blow to the former mayor, who has faced numerous legal and financial challenges since the 2020 election. A federal judge held him liable for defaming two former election workers in Georgia, resulting in a $148 million judgment against him. Giuliani filed for bankruptcy following the decision.

In addition to his disbarment in New York, Giuliani is facing state charges in Georgia and Arizona related to alleged efforts to overturn the election results. He has pleaded not guilty in both cases.

The court’s ruling underscores the importance of integrity and truthfulness in the legal profession. Giuliani’s actions, the court noted, caused “immeasurable damage to our democracy.” The decision to disbar him serves as a reminder that attorneys have a responsibility to uphold the principles of justice and the rule of law.

Source: BBC News, CBS News, Axios

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