Russell Crowe Rejected Lord of the Rings After Meeting Peter Jackson

Russell Crowe Rejected Lord of the Rings After Meeting Peter Jackson

Russell Crowe has no regrets about turning down a role in “The Lord of the Rings.” The Oscar-winning actor was approached by director Peter Jackson to play Aragorn in the iconic film trilogy. However, their conversation led Crowe to decline the opportunity. Jackson’s “Rings” trilogy went on to gross $2.9 billion worldwide and is considered one of the most acclaimed trilogies ever made. Despite this, Crowe believes he made the right decision.

In a recent British GQ video interview, Crowe was asked if he had any regrets about not taking the role. “I don’t actually,” he responded. Crowe felt that the studio, rather than Jackson, was pushing for him to join the project. “I talked to Peter Jackson over the phone, and he wasn’t saying the sort of things that directors say when they really want you for a project,” Crowe explained. He sensed that Jackson had someone else in mind for the role and that his acceptance might have complicated things.

Crowe and Jackson share a common background, both being New Zealanders. This shared heritage added a layer of nuance to their conversation. “There’s a nuance in that conversation that other people might not hear,” Crowe noted. He felt that Jackson had another plan and decided to step back.

Ultimately, Jackson cast Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn. Mortensen’s portrayal became iconic, and he is now open to returning to Middle-earth. Jackson is producing a new “Lord of the Rings” movie, directed by Andy Serkis, titled “The Lord of the Rings: The Hunt for Gollum,” set for a 2026 release. Mortensen has expressed interest in reprising his role, provided the story makes sense for his current age.

“I don’t know exactly what the story is, I haven’t heard,” Mortensen told British GQ. “I like playing that character. I learned a lot and enjoyed it. I would only do it if I was right for it in terms of my age and so forth.”

Even before winning an Oscar for “Gladiator,” Crowe was a sought-after actor. Around the time Jackson was casting for “The Lord of the Rings,” Crowe was in high demand. He has previously mentioned his discussions with Jackson about playing Aragorn but has now elaborated on why he passed on the role.

Crowe insists he has no regrets about his decision. He felt that Jackson never truly wanted him for the role. “I very much felt the studio were making that decision, not the film director,” Crowe reiterated. He sensed that Jackson had someone else in mind and that his involvement might have been a hindrance.

In a 2019 interview, Crowe mentioned that he picked up on subtleties in Jackson’s voice that indicated the director didn’t want him. “He’s a fellow New Zealander; so I can hear his voice,” Crowe recalled. “I’m talking to him on the phone, and it’s like, I don’t think he even knows what I’ve done.”

Initially, Jackson cast Stuart Townsend as Aragorn, but he was replaced by Mortensen after a brief period of filming. Mortensen turned out to be an excellent choice for the role, solidifying his place in cinematic history.

Crowe has also recently expressed his thoughts on “Gladiator 2,” the sequel to his most iconic film. The movie is set to be released on November 22, but Crowe will not be part of it, as his character died in the first film.

Russell Crowe’s decision to pass on “The Lord of the Rings” may have surprised many, but he remains confident it was the right choice. His intuition about Jackson’s intentions and his respect for the director’s vision led him to step aside, allowing Mortensen to take on the role that would become legendary.

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