Ryan Paevey Unveils Heartbreaking Reason Behind His Departure From Hallmark

Ryan Paevey Unveils Heartbreaking Reason Behind His Departure From Hallmark

Ryan Paevey, a beloved star of Hallmark films, has announced his decision to take a step back from acting, revealing a deeply personal and heartbreaking reason behind his departure. The actor, known for his roles in more than 15 Hallmark movies, shared his plans in a candid social media statement, explaining that the past year has been particularly challenging for him.

Paevey, who gained fame as Nathan West on “General Hospital” from 2013 to 2018, expressed his gratitude for the smooth sailing he experienced in his career for many years. However, he noted that the waters have been much rougher recently. The 39-year-old actor revealed that he has been dealing with significant personal and financial struggles, which have taken a toll on his mental health.

In his statement, Paevey addressed the rampant speculation and gossip that have surrounded his decision to step back from acting. He emphasized that his words have often been twisted or misrepresented on social media, leading to misunderstandings. This situation has been exacerbated by online imposters, prompting him to deactivate his X (formerly known as Twitter) account.

Paevey shared that the acting industry hasn’t felt like the right place for him for quite some time, and it has negatively impacted his mental health. He admitted that the industry has taken him to a dark place, making him into a version of himself that he doesn’t like. He apologized for venting his anger and frustration publicly, acknowledging that it was not the right way to handle his emotions.

The actor also opened up about the personal hardships he has faced, including having his bank accounts hacked, money embezzled, and investments stolen. Despite these challenges, Paevey revealed that the most significant blow came when his mother was diagnosed with lung cancer. This diagnosis prompted him to leave Los Angeles to be closer to his family and devote more time, energy, and resources to them.

Despite the difficult times, Paevey expressed his gratitude for the opportunities and experiences he has had in his career. He thanked the industry, “General Hospital,” Hallmark, his managers, and his fans for their support and for helping him achieve a decade-long adventure he never imagined. He acknowledged that he has much to be thankful for and that not a day goes by without him reflecting on his blessings.

Paevey concluded his statement by explaining that he is shifting his focus closer to home and family. He has found a new creative endeavor with the outdoor apparel company Fortunate Wanderer and plans to expand it. He hopes to share his adventures with his fans and remain connected with them. He promised to share more details once he has a clearer picture of his plans.

The actor’s decision to take a hiatus from acting was first revealed in a series of social media messages on April 9. In a tweet on his since-deleted X account, Paevey mentioned that he might take 2024 off from filming unless a project with friends comes along. He expressed his weariness with the industry, describing it as full of fake friends and empty promises. He also mentioned that he enjoys his simple life in his shop, helping his younger brother, and surfing.

Paevey’s departure from acting has left many fans saddened, but they have also expressed their support and understanding of his decision. His honesty and openness about his struggles have resonated with many, and his fans are hopeful that he will find peace and fulfillment in his new endeavors.

As Paevey steps back from the limelight, he leaves behind a legacy of memorable performances and a loyal fan base. His journey serves as a reminder of the importance of prioritizing mental health and family, even in the face of a successful career. While his fans will miss seeing him on screen, they are eager to see what the future holds for him and wish him all the best in his new chapter.

Source: People, Heavy

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