Sailor tried to access President Biden’s restricted medical record says Navy

Sailor tried to access President Biden’s restricted medical record says Navy

A junior sailor has faced administrative punishment after attempting to access President Joe Biden’s restricted medical records through a government database, the U.S. Navy disclosed on Tuesday. The incident occurred on February 23, when the sailor, whose identity remains undisclosed, searched “Joseph Biden” three times in the Military Health System’s electronic health record, known as MHS Genesis.

The unauthorized access was reported on February 26 by a co-worker who noticed the breach of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). The Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) promptly launched an investigation, which concluded on April 24. According to the Navy, the sailor did not access Biden’s actual medical records.

The sailor, assigned to Navy Medicine Readiness and Training Command (NMRTC) Fort Belvoir, admitted to searching the president’s name out of curiosity. Despite the breach, Navy Commander Tim Hawkins assured that the MHS Genesis system is secure and that President Biden’s personal information was never compromised.

The White House was informed of the incident within hours of the Department of Defense notifying White House staff. President Biden underwent his routine annual physical at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center on February 28, just two days after the investigation began. The White House clarified that the physical was previously scheduled and unaffected by the incident.

The president’s physical, which lasted about two and a half hours, concluded with his doctor, Kevin O’Connor, declaring him “fit for duty.” The physical’s summary, released by the White House, mirrored the previous year’s assessment, with a new diagnosis for sleep apnea. O’Connor’s memo stated, “The president feels well and this year’s physical identified no new concerns. He continues to be fit for duty and fully executes all of his responsibilities without any exemptions or accommodations.”

The attempted breach of Biden’s medical records came shortly after a report by special counsel Robert Hur on February 5. The report did not recommend criminal charges against Biden for mishandling classified documents but described him as a “sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.” This conclusion sparked debate over Biden’s capability to serve another term, with Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley calling for mental competency tests for both Biden and her GOP rival, Donald Trump.

The sailor’s actions have raised concerns about the security of sensitive information within military databases. The Navy’s swift response and the subsequent investigation highlight the importance of maintaining strict protocols to protect personal data, especially for high-profile individuals like the president.

The incident also underscores the ongoing scrutiny of President Biden’s health and cognitive abilities. Despite the reassurance from his medical team, questions about his fitness for office persist, fueled by his age and recent public appearances. The president’s performance in debates and public events continues to be a focal point for both supporters and critics.

In conclusion, the sailor’s attempt to access President Biden’s medical records serves as a reminder of the critical need for stringent security measures in handling sensitive information. The Navy’s response and the subsequent investigation demonstrate a commitment to upholding these standards. Meanwhile, President Biden’s health remains a topic of public interest, with his medical team providing regular updates to address any concerns.

Source: ABC News, CBS News, Fox News

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