Sánchez Skips Congress Plenary Despite Plans to Attend Vote

Sánchez Skips Congress Plenary Despite Plans to Attend Vote

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez missed the plenary session of Congress on Wednesday, where important matters were discussed, including a proposal to reform the Immigration Law and establish stability objectives ahead of the presentation of the 2025 State Budget.

Initially, Sánchez was expected to attend, as indicated in the government’s agenda distributed by Moncloa. His key advisors were present in Congress, anticipating his arrival. However, the Prime Minister ultimately chose not to participate.

During the session, lawmakers approved the Parity Law, validated the latest anti-crisis decree, and sent a judicial reform agreed upon by the PSOE and PP to the Senate. Additionally, they voted on ten members of the General Council of the Judiciary, which the Chamber is responsible for electing.

Unfortunately for the government, the proposal for mandatory distribution of unaccompanied migrant minors among autonomous communities was rejected, along with the stability objectives. The government had anticipated challenges with this latter measure, realizing around 7 PM that support was lacking when Junts deputy Josep Cruset announced his group’s voting intentions in a media appearance. The First Vice President María Jesús Montero admitted they were unaware of the independence party’s opposition.

Cuca Gamarra, the Secretary General of the PP, criticized Sánchez for his absence from the plenary session, stating that his situation has become so untenable that he has not even participated in the votes he lost.

Image and News Source: https://www.infobae.com/espana/agencias/2024/07/23/sanchez-no-acude-finalmente-al-pleno-del-congreso-pese-a-que-tenia-previsto-ir-a-votar/

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