Sánchez to Olympians and Paralympians: “You Are Spain’s Best Ambassadors”

Sánchez to Olympians and Paralympians: “You Are Spain’s Best Ambassadors”

On July 23, 2023, in Madrid, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez expressed his admiration for the athletes representing Spain at the upcoming Paris 2024 Olympics and Paralympics. During a reception at the La Moncloa Complex, he emphasized that these athletes are “the best ambassadors Spain could have” and conveyed the immense pride felt by the Spanish public.

Sánchez told the athletes that they are about to experience a dream come true, one that combines both sporting and human experiences, which they will cherish for the rest of their lives. He stressed the pride that all of Spanish society feels for them, saying, “All of Spain is watching and hoping for you to bring back as many medals as possible. But I assure you that if you give your all and demonstrate sportsmanship and fair play, we will already be proud.”

He acknowledged the efforts of the Spanish Olympic Committee, the Paralympic Committee, and various administrations that have positioned Spain as a world leader in sports. Notably, Spain is the only country in the European Union that has included sports among the top ten priorities in its plans for recovery and transformation. Over the past three years, nearly 50 million euros have been invested through Team Spain programs to support these athletes in their Olympic and Paralympic journey.

Sánchez highlighted the impact these athletes have as role models, noting that many children will be inspired by watching them compete and may aspire to follow in their footsteps. He urged the athletes to keep in mind not only their personal ambitions but also their families, friends, and communities that support them. He encouraged them to enjoy the experience, promising it would be unforgettable.

Furthermore, he addressed the long-standing issue of equating prize money between Olympic and Paralympic winners, stating it was time to rectify this historical imbalance. He underscored the values of modern, inclusive, and democratic Spain that the athletes represent, reinforcing the idea that sports serve as a national pride and recognition on the global stage.

The event also featured remarks from prominent figures in the sports community. Marta Arce, a Spanish Paralympic flagbearer, emphasized the unity within the Olympic and Paralympic movements, saying, “We are all competing for Spain, for those medals, with our distinct differences, sharing values and a single heart.”

Olympic champion Fátima Gálvez expressed a collective commitment to represent Spain with passion and determination. Miguel Carballeda, head of the Spanish Paralympic Committee, highlighted the emotional moments ahead, filled with pride as they hear the Spanish anthem and see their athletes succeed.

Finally, Alejandro Blanco, president of the Spanish Olympic Committee, shared his optimism about the upcoming games, indicating that they are prepared to bring home many medals, fulfilling both their dreams and those of the Spanish public. The collective spirit at the event was one of hope and ambition, with a focus on achieving new milestones in sports for Spain.

Image and News Source: https://www.infobae.com/espana/agencias/2024/07/23/sanchez-a-los-olimpicos-y-paralimpicos-sois-los-mejores-embajadores-de-espana/

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