Santa Marta Councilor Receives Death Threats: Considering Radical Action

Santa Marta Councilor Receives Death Threats: Considering Radical Action

Miguel Martínez Molano, a council member and attorney in Santa Marta, has emerged as a significant obstacle for local politicians. His recent actions resulted in the disqualification of candidates, including Patricia Caicedo, from the Fuerza Ciudadana political group. As his influence has grown, so has his concern for his safety and that of his family.

Popularly known as “Mono” Martínez, he emphasized that “my life and that of my family come first,” raising doubts about his future in his position. Martínez has reported experiencing harassment from his colleagues, as well as threats on social media and in public. This troubling situation has led him to seriously consider resigning.

In an effort to maintain his stance, Martínez claimed he faces relentless intimidation from peers upset with his stance on local issues. He stated, “Every day, I encounter harassment from my colleagues and intimidation from individuals who disagree with my comments, which are intended for the betterment of the city that elected me.”

His unique style of dress and the informal language he employs during council sessions have attracted criticism. However, he believes that using expressions reflective of the coastal culture is essential for voicing citizens’ interests.

Martínez has faced instances where he was denied the right to speak and even removed from sessions with police assistance—an unprecedented situation within the council’s history. He remarked, “There are no guarantees to uphold a balanced stance in this council,” adding that he has been followed by suspicious individuals when leaving meetings.

He has positioned himself as an oppositional voice, reaching his office without needing political alliances after several previous unsuccessful attempts. Another council member, Juan Carlos Palacio, supported Martínez and condemned his colleagues’ behavior, which he claimed infringes on Martinez’s freedom of expression.

“The council is a democratic space meant for debate and discussion on various city matters,” Palacio asserted, stressing the importance of respecting Martínez’s individual style.

Meanwhile, the council’s president, José Manuel Mozo, has criticized Martínez, stating that his conduct does not align with organizational norms. “I must operate within the law as president and cannot allow misconduct in this space,” Mozo explained.

Martínez is not alone in facing life-threatening challenges as a council member in Santa Marta. Anselmo Gual previously spoke about leaving his position due to safety fears after being targeted in an assassination attempt on February 15, 2024.

The attack on Gual occurred as he was leaving a shopping center when armed individuals approached and fired at his vehicle. Thankfully, he managed to evade serious injury.

“Honestly, I didn’t see if they were on motorcycles or on foot. I felt the impact, froze, and then the glass shattered and my ear was muffled by the blast,” he recounted in an interview with Opinión Caribe, describing how he managed to drive away despite his shaken state. Just days prior, on February 6, Gual had reported receiving threats via text messages.

For more information on political safety and support for public officials, you can visit resources such as the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance or Global Witness.

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