Selling Sunset Jason Oppenheim Open to Christine Quinns Return

Selling Sunset Jason Oppenheim Open to Christine Quinns Return

Jason Oppenheim, the co-founder of the Oppenheim Group and a central figure on Netflix’s hit reality series “Selling Sunset,” has expressed openness to the idea of Christine Quinn returning to the show. Despite their past differences and the drama that unfolded, Jason seems willing to welcome Christine back, although he emphasizes that the final decision isn’t solely his to make.

In a recent encounter in Los Angeles, Jason was asked about a potential reunion with Christine and other cast members, which has sparked rumors of her return to “Selling Sunset.” Jason responded positively, stating he harbors no ill feelings towards Christine and would be happy to see her back on the show. However, he clarified that the decision involves multiple stakeholders, not just him.

Christine Quinn, a fan favorite known for her bold personality and dramatic flair, left “Selling Sunset” after its fifth season. Her departure has left a noticeable void, with some fans and cast members feeling the show hasn’t been the same without her. Speculation about her return has been fueled by her recent appearance at a promotional event alongside Nicole Young, Mary Fitzgerald, and Jason.

Christine has not publicly confirmed any plans to return to the show. In her last statement on the matter, she mentioned on social media that she had moved on to better things and was much happier. Her personal life has also been tumultuous, as she is currently going through a divorce and dealing with allegations of domestic violence against her estranged husband.

Jason believes that if Christine were to return, it would make for a compelling comeback story. He acknowledges that her presence brought a unique dynamic to the show, and her return could potentially reignite the spark that some fans feel has been missing.

Christine’s exit from the show was surrounded by controversy. During the fifth season, cast member Emma Hernan accused Christine of attempting to bribe a client with $5,000 to not work with her. This allegation led to a significant fallout, with Christine denying the claims and stating she had no knowledge of the meeting where the accusation was discussed.

Jason, who had spoken directly with the client involved, believed the bribery claim to be true. Despite this, he expressed a willingness to hear Christine’s side of the story, acknowledging that there are always multiple perspectives in any situation. However, Christine did not attend the season five reunion, citing a positive COVID-19 diagnosis, and the conversation between her and Jason about the bribery allegation has yet to take place.

Christine’s departure from the Oppenheim Group was also marked by her decision to start her own real estate venture, RealOpen, with her husband. This new company focuses on real estate transactions using cryptocurrency, a move that Christine felt was a necessary career step. She had informed Jason about her plans well in advance, and although he was aware, it seems the reality of her departure took some by surprise.

Christine has been vocal about her dissatisfaction with the portrayal of events on “Selling Sunset,” claiming that the show’s drama is often manufactured. She has expressed a desire to return to the show, but only if she can promote her real estate business and be shown engaging in her actual work. She is not interested in being a peripheral character and wants her professional endeavors to be accurately represented.

Despite the ongoing drama and her departure from the Oppenheim Group, Christine remains a significant figure in the “Selling Sunset” universe. Her potential return to the show could bring a fresh wave of excitement and intrigue, especially given her new business venture and the unresolved issues with her former colleagues.

As of now, “Selling Sunset” has not been officially renewed for a new season, and Christine’s future on the show remains uncertain. However, Jason’s openness to her return and Christine’s willingness to discuss the possibility suggest that fans might not have seen the last of her on the show. Whether or not she returns, Christine Quinn’s impact on “Selling Sunset” is undeniable, and her story continues to captivate audiences.

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