Shannen Doherty Seeks Spousal Support as Charmed Residuals Decrease

Shannen Doherty Seeks Spousal Support as Charmed Residuals Decrease

Shannen Doherty is seeking financial support from her estranged husband, Kurt Iswarienko, as her income from “Charmed” residuals is set to decrease significantly. The “Beverly Hills, 90210” star filed court documents on June 14, requesting $15,343 in monthly spousal support retroactive to June 1, 2024, and an additional $9,100 for attorney fees. Doherty also seeks $11,800 for various costs incurred in obtaining Iswarienko’s complete responses to their divorce proceedings.

Doherty’s filing comes amid her ongoing battle with stage 4 breast cancer, which has left her largely unable to work. She explained that her primary source of income is residuals from work performed before her marriage, particularly from her role as Prue Halliwell in “Charmed.” However, she recently learned that “Charmed” will no longer be available on major streaming platforms after June 30, 2024, leading to a dramatic decrease in her future residual income.

The actress, who has been battling cancer since 2015, revealed that her medical bills will increase significantly once she loses her SAG health insurance due to her inability to work. She noted that her medical expenses totaled $21,640 in 2023 alone. Despite her financial struggles, Doherty alleged that Iswarienko has not made any temporary spousal support payments or contributed to her attorney or accounting fees since their divorce action was filed.

Doherty accused Iswarienko of spending lavishly on items such as medical spas, jewelry, and flights for his agent, Collier Grimm, whom she believes is romantically involved with him. She claimed that Iswarienko’s income is substantially higher than hers, yet he has failed to provide the necessary financial information to evaluate his earning capacity, assets, and income. This prompted her to file a separate Motion to Compel, seeking an additional $11,800 for the fees and costs incurred in obtaining his complete responses.

In her spousal support request, Doherty alleged that Iswarienko is intentionally delaying the settlement in hopes that she will not survive the divorce proceedings. She argued that his failure to produce certain documents is a strategy to prolong the process.

Doherty’s cancer journey has been a long and challenging one. She was first diagnosed with breast cancer in 2015, which had spread to her lymph nodes. After undergoing treatment, she announced that her cancer was in remission in 2017. However, in 2020, she revealed that the cancer had returned and advanced to stage 4. In June 2023, Doherty shared that the cancer had spread to her brain and become terminal, later metastasizing to her bones.

Amid her health battle, Doherty filed for divorce from Iswarienko in April 2023 after 11 years of marriage. She claimed that infidelity had caused the breakdown of their marriage, recalling that she underwent brain surgery shortly after learning that Iswarienko had been having an affair for two years.

Doherty’s lawyer emphasized that her client has no future employment prospects due to her health issues, and her income is primarily from residuals of work performed before her marriage. With “Charmed” no longer streaming after June 2024, Doherty’s future residual income will dramatically decrease, making spousal support crucial for her financial stability.

In response, Iswarienko agreed that the marriage was over but argued that support should be determined later in the case. Doherty’s newly filed motion stressed the importance of obtaining information about Iswarienko’s income from his photography work to finalize the divorce.

Doherty’s legal battle highlights the financial challenges she faces as her health deteriorates and her income sources dwindle. Her request for spousal support underscores the need for financial assistance to cover her increasing medical expenses and maintain her quality of life amid her ongoing fight against cancer.

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