Simon Cowell Drives Fiancée Lauren Silverman Son Eric Crazy

Simon Cowell Drives Fiancée Lauren Silverman Son Eric Crazy

Simon Cowell Drives Fiancée Lauren Silverman Son Eric Crazy

Simon Cowell, the renowned television personality and music mogul, has always been known for his unique lifestyle. Recently, during an appearance on the Diary of a CEO podcast, he revealed just how different his life is compared to the average person. This difference, it turns out, has a significant impact on his fiancée, Lauren Silverman, and their 10-year-old son, Eric.

Simon started by sharing a surprising fact: “I don’t have a phone,” he said. “I have a car phone which I occasionally use, but I swear I don’t even know how to use it.” This revelation left the podcast host, Steven Bartlett, in disbelief. He asked Simon how Lauren manages to contact him. Simon explained, “She calls me at home, and I mean, it drives her crazy.”

Simon’s aversion to phones stems from his dislike for them. “I hate them so much because I think they’re boring,” he said. “It’s like having a toaster with you all the time. It’s boring. Toast is nice and occasionally telephone calls are nice, but not all the time.”

He went on to share that he used to keep his phone turned off for three or four months at a time, and he was much happier during those periods. “I like meeting people and I like talking from a landline if I have to because the sound is nicer,” he added.

By not having a phone, Simon believes he can tune out the unimportant things in life. “You don’t hear about the unimportant things,” he said. “When something really serious happens, within seconds you’ll hear about it. When it’s just some piece of gossip or something, which I’m really not interested in, you won’t.”

Despite his unconventional approach, Simon reassured that people who really need to reach him can do so. “I always say honestly, if you want to get hold of me and you know me, you’ll get hold of me. You just will, I promise you really will.”

This knowledge is likely reassuring to Lauren and Eric, who can contact Simon at home or in the car. However, it’s clear that Simon’s lifestyle choice can be a source of frustration for his family.

Simon Cowell’s decision to live without a phone is just one example of how his lifestyle differs from the norm. It’s a choice that drives his fiancée Lauren Silverman and their son Eric crazy, but it’s also a testament to Simon’s commitment to living life on his own terms.

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