Sir Keir Starmer shares debate frustration with wife Victoria

Sir Keir Starmer shares debate frustration with wife Victoria

Sir Keir Starmer recently shared how his wife, Victoria, helped lift his spirits after a challenging first election television debate against Rishi Sunak on ITV. The Labour leader expressed his frustration with the debate format, which allowed only 45 seconds to answer each question. He found this setup limiting and felt it didn’t work well for him. However, Victoria’s support and encouragement helped him overcome his frustration.

Victoria has not been a prominent figure in the General Election campaign. She has been focusing on her work in occupational health within the NHS and supporting their son through his GCSEs. Sir Keir, who is known for keeping his family life private, refrained from discussing whether he would move his children to Downing Street if Labour wins the election.

During an LBC radio call-in event hosted by Nick Ferrari, Sir Keir was asked about his wife. He described her as plain-speaking, down-to-earth, and very supportive. When asked if she ever gave him advice, he recounted how she cheered him up after the first debate, despite his frustration with the format.

Victoria’s limited public presence during the campaign was also addressed. Sir Keir explained that she has been busy with her NHS work and their son’s GCSEs. They decided to create a calm and ordinary environment for their son to study while Sir Keir was on the campaign trail. He mentioned that their son had just finished his exams.

In a separate discussion, Sir Keir shared his experience of visiting a migrant camp in Calais several years ago. He described seeing children the same age as his own living in dire conditions, which deeply affected him. This experience highlighted the stark contrast between the lives of those children and his own, emphasizing the importance of addressing such humanitarian issues.

When asked if he would move his children into No. 10 if Labour wins the election, Sir Keir responded that they were not getting ahead of themselves. He also shared some personal anecdotes, including his first car, a Morris Minor, which he bought for £125. He mentioned that he has always had a car since passing his driving test on his second attempt.

Referencing press photographs of Rishi Sunak filling up a Kia Rio reportedly borrowed from a Sainsbury’s worker, Sir Keir humorously added that he and his family do fill up their own car.

Sir Keir’s candid discussion about his family and personal experiences provided a glimpse into the man behind the political figure. His wife’s support and their shared commitment to their son’s education and well-being were evident throughout the conversation.

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