“Some Call for Total War, I Ask for the Opposite”: Petro Shares Goebbels Image

“Some Call for Total War, I Ask for the Opposite”: Petro Shares Goebbels Image

Colombian President Gustavo Petro recently referenced Joseph Goebbels, a prominent figure in the Nazi regime during World War II. In a thread by a profile named ‘Memorias de Pez’, the effectiveness of Goebbels’ propaganda strategies was discussed, particularly how he managed to gain the support and conviction of the German people for Adolf Hitler.

After Adolf Hitler’s suicide in his bunker, Goebbels assumed control and used the media to call for a “Total War” to defend Berlin against the advancing Soviet forces. In contrast to this approach, President Petro stated, “Some call for total war; I, on the contrary,” highlighting his opposition to such extreme measures.

Petro emphasized his refusal to support the notion of total war, signaling a different direction for Colombia’s approach to conflict. His comments underline a commitment to seek alternative solutions rather than resorting to militaristic responses.

Image and News Source: https://www.infobae.com/colombia/2024/07/23/algunos-piden-la-guerra-total-yo-pido-lo-contrario-petro-que-compartio-imagen-de-goebbels/

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