Speaker Johnson: ‘Nobody expects Joe Biden to be on cocaine’ during debate

Speaker Johnson: ‘Nobody expects Joe Biden to be on cocaine’ during debate

In the lead-up to Thursday’s presidential debate, Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) has firmly stated that President Joe Biden will not be on cocaine, countering claims made by former President Donald Trump. Trump and his allies have suggested that Biden might use performance-enhancing drugs, including cocaine, to boost his debate performance. These allegations have been part of a broader narrative pushed by Trump, who has often questioned Biden’s mental acuity.

During a recent rally, Trump referenced a bag of cocaine found at the White House last year, which an internal investigation failed to trace back to any individual. “Joe Biden doesn’t have a clue,” Trump told his supporters. “Now we’re gonna watch– is anybody gonna watch the debate? He’s gonna be so pumped up, he’s gonna be pumped up. You know all that stuff that was missing about a month ago from the White House? What happened?”

In an interview on CNN’s “The Source,” host Kaitlan Collins asked Speaker Johnson about Trump’s comments. “Just knowing you and how you conduct yourself, do you think some of the rhetoric is out of line when people from Trump’s team are suggesting that – and Trump himself – that Biden is going to be on cocaine when he’s on that debate stage Thursday night?” she inquired.

Johnson responded by downplaying Trump’s remarks, suggesting they were made in jest. “Look, there’s a lot of things that are said in jest,” he replied. “Of course, no one expects that Joe Biden will be on cocaine.”

Johnson pointed to Biden’s energetic performance during the State of the Union address in March, which exceeded the low expectations set by conservative commentators. “He had a lot of energy that night,” Johnson noted. “So, that’s the Joe Biden I expect to see. The question is, can he stay for 90 minutes on that stage and go toe-to-toe with President Trump, who, as you know, goes to rallies and talks two hours on end without any break and any notes.”

Despite Johnson’s dismissal of the cocaine claims, some Republicans have taken the allegations seriously. Representative Ronny Jackson (R-TX), a former White House physician, has even called for Biden to take drug tests before and after the debate. “It’s embarrassing that I have to do this, and it’s really embarrassing as a former White House physician to have to do something like this, but we don’t have any choice based on what’s going on,” Jackson said.

The debate over Biden’s potential use of stimulants has sparked a range of reactions. Adrienne Elrod, a spokeswoman for Biden, dismissed Trump’s drug claims as a tactic to distract from his lack of a substantive campaign platform. “This is what he does because he doesn’t have anything else to run on,” Elrod said on CNN. “He doesn’t have a plan. He doesn’t have a record for fighting for the American people. He doesn’t know why he’s running, except to seek political retribution on his enemies. And so he has to resort to these types of tactics, which are frankly just silly and turn off a lot of voters, especially voters who want to see their president fight for them.”

Elrod also noted that Trump has a history of accusing his opponents of drug use, dating back to the 2016 election when he demanded that Hillary Clinton be drug tested. Four years later, he made similar demands of Biden.

On social media, Johnson’s comments about Biden potentially using energy drinks have been met with mockery. Users on X, formerly known as Twitter, have ridiculed the idea, with one user writing, “Are Republicans going to ban energy drinks and Starbucks next?” Another user quipped, “Who cares if Joe Biden pounds a Red Bull before the debate? They’re terrified of him.”

Johnson’s remarks have also drawn comparisons to the comedic film “Talladega Nights,” with one commenter joking, “I will write a check to Biden for $1000 if he comes out at the debate and says ‘I’m all jacked up on Mountain Dew!’ $2000 if he threatens to come at Trump ‘like a spider monkey.'”

Despite the controversy, Biden’s campaign remains focused on preparing for the debate. A campaign official told CNN that the president has been increasingly assertive in his recent remarks about Trump and plans to maintain that tone during the debate.

Johnson is not the only Republican to suggest that Biden might use stimulants. Representative Eric Burlison (R-MO) told Fox Business’ Maria Bartiromo that Trump’s team should not underestimate Biden’s ability to enhance his performance. “Trump’s team should not underestimate Joe Biden and his team’s ability to—whether they’re gonna jack him up on Mountain Dew or whatever it is,” Burlison said.

In response to these claims, MSNBC host Joe Scarborough described them as a sign of desperation. “This shows how nervous they are. This is not how someone who’s confident acts,” Scarborough said on “Morning Joe.”

As the debate approaches, the focus remains on whether Biden can match Trump’s energy and readiness on stage. While the allegations of drug use have added a layer of drama to the proceedings, both candidates will ultimately be judged on their performance and ability to articulate their vision for the country.

Source: CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, Newsweek

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