Star Wars Characters Whose Off-Screen Deaths You Probably Didn’t Know About

Star Wars Characters Whose Off-Screen Deaths You Probably Didn’t Know About

The Star Wars universe is vast and filled with numerous characters, many of whom have met their end on-screen. However, there are several characters whose deaths occurred off-screen, and fans might not be aware of these untold stories. This article delves into the fates of some of these lesser-known characters, shedding light on their ultimate destinies.

The Clone Wars (TCW) series has been a significant part of the Star Wars saga, but some fans feel it lacks excitement because the fates of many characters are already known. Characters like Obi-Wan, Grievous, Fisto, Dooku, Anakin, and Plo Koon have well-documented endings, which can make the series less thrilling for some viewers. However, there are still characters whose fates remain a mystery, such as Ventress, Ahsoka, Cad Bane, and several other bounty hunters, clones, and guest characters.

The TCW series has a plethora of characters to explore, and some of them have met their end off-screen. For instance, Eeth Koth’s fate is unknown, and it could be explored in the series, possibly with a death at the hands of Grievous. Adi Gallia is another character whose death could be depicted in the series, potentially also by Grievous.

Several characters from the prequels who weren’t around for Revenge of the Sith (ROTS) could have their fates explored in the series. Bultar Swan, seen in the Attack of the Clones (AOTC) arena, could have her story expanded. Pablo Jill, who was killed by Grievous while trying to save Palpatine in the Expanded Universe (EU), could also be featured. Roth Del Masona, another character from the AOTC arena, met a similar fate in the EU and could be included in the series.

Shaak Ti’s fate during ROTS is never fully explained, although she appears in The Force Unleashed. She could be a candidate for one of the few Jedi who escape the Jedi Temple after facing Anakin and/or clone troopers. Cin Drallig is seen being killed by Anakin, but his story could be expanded. Coleman Kcaj, a council member seen in ROTS, might have been killed by Anakin in the Jedi Temple. Jocasta Nu, who is said to be killed by Anakin in the temple, could have her death shown in the series, with Dave Filoni depicting the “real” Jocasta fight.

Even Piell’s fate could be shown, and Depa Billaba, who goes to the dark side in the EU and then falls into a coma, could also be a candidate. Oppo Rancisis, another interesting character, could be included if the animation team can pull off his unique appearance.

Other characters not seen in the movies, like Quinlan Vos, could also be explored. Vos is one of the few who escape, and his story could be expanded in the series. Although Luminara and Barriss are killed off in Order 66, their deaths are never shown on-screen. If the series crosses over into the events of ROTS, it could finally depict their deaths along with those of other characters.

The list of Jedi mentioned above would also allow Grievous to claim some big names under his belt. Dooku or Ventress could also take down one or two of them, showcasing their skills and further demonstrating their descent into the dark side. For this to be more effective, it would be ideal for most of the Jedi to be around for a decent period, allowing viewers to get to know them before they meet their end. For instance, seeing the end of Luminara at the end of the series after all we’ve seen of her would leave a much more significant impact.

Some characters have already met their end in the EU, and it would be disappointing to see their deaths retconned. For example, Bultar Swan dies in the first Purge, and Adi Gallia’s death scene is well-regarded. It would be unfortunate to see these deaths overwritten. Quinlan Vos survives, but his story is inconclusive. Fans hope to see him in the live-action series, although it seems unlikely. Depa Billaba’s fate could be shown without retconning too much of the EU canon, perhaps depicting Vader or one of the clones killing her while she is still in a coma.

Shaak Ti’s escape could be an interesting storyline, as it is considered canon that she survived. Coleman Kcaj, often confused with Coleman Trebor, who was shot dead by Jango in the AOTC arena, could also have his fate explored. ArrogantJedi points out that all the characters mentioned have a fate, except for Eeth Koth. Adi Gallia’s death scene should remain untouched, but it would be cool to show the Battle of Boz Pity in the series.

If Adi Gallia is included in the series, it is likely that her death scene will be overwritten and given an official depiction. Lucas, Filoni, and the team could overwrite any of the EU fates in the show. Some fans hope that the Boz Pity battle will be retconned completely, as Adi dying next to a character with a pun name is not ideal.

The TCW series could go out of its way to give some characters a means to “go out in style.” Unfortunately, Plo Koon still gets shot down in his starfighter, and even if he had a chute, it would likely catch fire, leading to a more painful death. Filoni might fight to preserve the existing EU deaths that are clear, but vague deaths like Eeth Koth’s on Geonosis could be overwritten.

A set of episodes centered around different Jedi during Order 66 would be interesting. For example, Shaak Ti escaping and heading to Felucia to find Maris Brood could be a compelling storyline. Ultimately, the TCW series has the potential to explore the fates of many characters whose deaths occurred off-screen, providing fans with a deeper understanding of their stories and adding more excitement to the series.


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