Support Grows for Marlon Wayans LGBTQ+ Photoshoot

Support Grows for Marlon Wayans LGBTQ+ Photoshoot

Support Grows for Marlon Wayans LGBTQ+ Photoshoot

Support is pouring in for Marlon Wayans after he shared a series of photos celebrating LGBTQ+ pride. Despite facing backlash, the comedian’s fans and peers have rallied behind him, praising his courage and allyship.

Marlon Wayans, known for his work in comedy and film, has recently taken a strong public stance in support of the LGBTQ+ community. His recent photoshoot with photographer Parrish Lewis has sparked both admiration and criticism. However, Wayans remains undeterred, using his platform to spread messages of love and acceptance.

In one of his posts, Wayans wrote, “Happy PRIDE to all my LGBTQ+ peoples. P.S. I’m STRAIGHT… well, according to my child CISGENDER male. I just love and support my peoples.” This declaration was met with mixed reactions, but Wayans stood firm, responding to critics with even more fervor.

In another post, he addressed the backlash directly, stating, “Yeah and just for the HATE MONGERS … I’m posting ANOTHER. As a father of a child in the LGBTQ+ community I show my support. Zero fucks what people think. If I lost you… GOOD! Your hateful ass never loved me in the first place. How can you love anyone when you’re too busy judging. Some of y’all funny. I’m a troll. I’ll post all day.” He concluded with, “HAPPY PRIDE to all my friends, fam, fans and loved ones. I am happy you’re happy… period.”

Wayans continued to post, undeterred by the negativity. “You mad?! I can do this shit ALL DAY… but instead I think I’ll do it ALL MONTH. HAPPY PRIDE. Love and Laughter will always drown hate,” he wrote in another caption. His defiance in the face of criticism has only strengthened his resolve to support the LGBTQ+ community.

In yet another post, Wayans wrote, “Do I look like I really give a f**k?! Happy PRIDD month. Especially to all the hateful dudes out there mad because I’m supporting family and friends. For people to be that homophobic reeks of repressed feelings/desires. Bruh, don’t live like that. Come on out. Be you. That’s what PRIDE is all about… acceptance. I swear I got soooo many more pics.”

Wayans’ unwavering support has not gone unnoticed. Fans and peers have flooded his social media with messages of encouragement. One user wrote, “Marlon Wayans tripling down on his Pride Month support on Insta, facing down some shit-heel haters, is Today’s Mood — we love you Marlon!!”

Another fan expressed their admiration, saying, “Damn, I appreciate seeing this level of compassionate, confident and loving energy from a Black man with influence.” The outpouring of support highlights the importance of visible allyship, especially from influential figures like Wayans.

Comedian DL Hughley also shared his support, recounting a personal story about Wayans’ kindness. “I remember when my old man died @MarlonWayans called me and he said, I know you’re hurting, but I know also you play golf, I don’t play, but I’ll play golf with you until you feel better!! I’ll never forget that!! I stand with him 10 toes down!!!! #TeamDl,” Hughley tweeted.

For many in the LGBTQ+ community, especially those still seeking acceptance, Wayans’ actions are a beacon of hope. One supporter wrote, “As a queer Black person still hopelessly searching for more acceptance within my communities — primarily Black men — it’s imperative to see messages like Marlon’s in support of everyone regardless of your sexual orientation, gender expression, or identity.”

Wayans’ journey as an ally has been a powerful example of growth and acceptance. His public support for the LGBTQ+ community, particularly during Pride Month, sends a strong message of love and inclusivity. As he continues to share his journey, he hopes to inspire others to embrace allyship and support their loved ones unconditionally.

In a society where LGBTQ+ individuals often face discrimination and prejudice, Wayans’ actions are a reminder of the importance of standing up for what is right. His photoshoot and the messages accompanying it have sparked important conversations about acceptance and allyship, proving that love and support can make a significant impact.

As Marlon Wayans continues to champion LGBTQ+ rights, his fans and peers remain steadfast in their support. His courage and dedication to allyship serve as an inspiration to many, showing that standing up for love and acceptance is always worth it.

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