Survey on Milei Among Young People: Satisfaction Drops by 12 Points and Surprising Shift in Millennial Opinions

Survey on Milei Among Young People: Satisfaction Drops by 12 Points and Surprising Shift in Millennial Opinions

In July, public satisfaction with the overall situation in the country dropped to 33%, a decline of 12 percentage points from May, when it stood at 41%. Meanwhile, dissatisfaction with Javier Milei’s administration has reached 55%. These findings come from the “Political Satisfaction and Public Opinion” survey conducted by the University of San Andrés in July.

The approval of Milei’s administration shows a division among respondents; 48% express approval. Ideologically, those on the right (83%) and center-right (82%) tend to support his government. In stark contrast, 88% of center-left respondents disapprove of his management.

A concerning trend for Milei’s administration is the growing dissatisfaction among younger generations. While Generation X shows the highest approval at 51%, millennials exhibit the most disapproval, also at 51%. When broken down by voting preferences in the general elections, 94% of voters for Bregman disapprove of his administration, followed closely by 92% of Massa’s supporters. On the flip side, 80% of Bullrich’s voters and 89% of those supporting La Libertad Avanza express approval.

Despite these challenges, more people hold a positive outlook regarding the country’s future compared to those who feel negatively. About 28% believe the country’s situation improved over the last year, and 43% expect it to improve going forward.

The primary concern among respondents is poverty, cited by 37%. This is followed by low wages at 32%, inflation at the same rate, and issues related to crime and insecurity, also at 32%. Notably, the perception of poverty as the top issue has shifted after two years when inflation dominated concerns. Among UxP voters, 45% view poverty as a key issue, whereas 30% and 33% of LLA and JxC voters, respectively, share the same sentiment.

For UxP supporters, the main problems are poverty, low wages, and unemployment, while LLA voters prioritize crime, inflation, and corruption. JxC supporters tend to focus on crime, corruption, and poverty.

Around 49% of those surveyed feel the country’s situation has worsened compared to the past, yet 43% believe it will improve in the future. On a personal level, 47% think their situation has deteriorated, while 36% feel it remains unchanged. Only 38% anticipate an improvement in their personal circumstances, with 30% fearing a decline.

In terms of approval ratings for political figures, President Javier Milei and Security Minister Patricia Bullrich lead with a favorable rating from 45% of respondents. Vice President Victoria Villaruel follows closely with a 43% approval rating and is noted for her positive differential. Former Córdoba governor Juan Schiaretti ranks fourth with a 33% positive image. Less known figures like Martín Llaryora and Rodrigo de Loredo have recognition rates of 65% and 61%, respectively.

Among those with the lowest net ratings are Alberto Fernández with a 71% negative differential, followed by Pablo Moyano at 62% and Máximo Kirchner at 59%.

In July, interest in politics has slightly declined, dropping from 57% to 54%. Additionally, the percentage of individuals who feel informed about political matters has decreased from 70% to 67%.


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