Survey: Satisfaction with “the overall state of affairs” dropped eight points last month

Survey: Satisfaction with “the overall state of affairs” dropped eight points last month

A recent survey has revealed a significant decline in the overall satisfaction of citizens with how things are going in the country. This drop could raise concerns for Javier Milei’s government, even as his image remains stable and public opinion is sharply divided between those who approve and those who disapprove of his administration.

The study on Political Satisfaction and Public Opinion was conducted by the University of San Andrés, surveying over 1,000 adults online in early July across the nation. The findings showed that only 33% of respondents expressed satisfaction with the country’s direction in July, a noticeable decrease from May’s figure of 41%. In contrast, dissatisfaction has risen to 55%.

This situation is likely to cause unease among those with authoritarian tendencies, as the role of critical journalism remains a crucial element of democracy. Such scrutiny often irritates those who believe they possess the only valid perspective.

In terms of public approval for Milei’s political party, La Libertad Avanza, the ratings are nearly even. As of July 2024, approval stands at 48%, while disapproval is at 49%.

Another alarming aspect of the survey pertains to the emerging issues that are now being prioritized by citizens. Previously, inflation was consistently identified as the primary concern; however, it has recently been overshadowed by issues such as poverty, which now ranks as the major problem at 37%. This is followed closely by low wages at 32%, with inflation and crime, including theft and insecurity, also at 32%. This marks a shift in focus after two years during which inflation was seen as the most pressing issue.

The survey also explored potential government initiatives, including the possibility of a formal alliance between Milei’s party and those loyal to National Security Minister Patricia Bullrich. Currently, there is a tense internal conflict within the PRO party related to this matter. The survey found that 79% of Bullrich’s voters and 63% of Milei’s support such a partnership. Conversely, 17% of La Libertad Avanza voters disagree with the alliance, while 21% of those who voted for Bullrich are opposed.

Additionally, the government’s agenda includes proposals to eliminate primary elections. The survey indicated that 65% of respondents favor the abolition of the Open, Simultaneous, and Mandatory Primaries (PASO), and 63% support the introduction of a single paper ballot for national elections, replacing party-specific ballots.

On the topic of criminal accountability, 57% of respondents agree with lowering the age of criminal responsibility to 13, while 25% are opposed. This proposal is being advanced by the Justice and Security Ministries, led by Mariano Cúneo Libarona and Patricia Bullrich.

Finally, the survey shows that 69% of respondents disagree with allowing 14-year-olds to vote, while 23% are in favor, highlighting another contentious proposal from the current administration.


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