T-ara plans to reunite for 15th anniversary and hold fan meetings overseas

T-ara plans to reunite for 15th anniversary and hold fan meetings overseas

T-ara, the iconic K-pop girl group consisting of Jiyeon, Eunjung, Hyomin, and Qri, is set to reunite in celebration of their 15th debut anniversary. The group has planned an overseas fan meeting for September, marking a significant milestone in their illustrious career. According to an exclusive report from Ten Asia on June 13, the fan meeting is likely to take place in either Hong Kong or Macau. A source revealed to Ten Asia, “T-ara is organizing a fan meeting for their international fans to commemorate their 15th anniversary. They are currently finalizing the venue, with Hong Kong or Macau being the top choices.”

Since their debut in 2009, T-ara has captivated fans worldwide with their catchy tunes and dynamic performances. To mark their 15th year, the group is engaging in various activities, including the creation of new profiles and concept photos, which will be used to produce exclusive merchandise. Recently, Jiyeon sparked excitement among fans by sharing a complete group photo of T-ara on her Instagram, accompanied by a heart emoji.

T-ara’s success is underscored by a string of hit songs such as “Bo Peep Bo Peep,” “Lies,” “I Go Crazy Because of You,” “Roly-Poly,” and “Lovey-Dovey.” Their popularity extends beyond South Korea, reaching fans in China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, and other Southeast Asian countries. The group’s influence and fanbase have remained strong over the years, making their reunion a highly anticipated event.

Individually, the members of T-ara have also been active in various fields. Eunjung is currently showcasing her acting skills in the KBS 1TV drama ‘Suji & Uri,’ where she plays the character Suji. Jiyeon, on the other hand, is connecting with the public through her YouTube channel, sharing glimpses of her daily life and activities. Meanwhile, Qri and Hyomin continue to keep fans updated about their lives via social media, maintaining a close bond with their supporters.

The announcement of T-ara’s 15th-anniversary fan meeting has generated a wave of excitement among fans, who are eager to see the group perform together once again. The event promises to be a memorable occasion, celebrating the group’s enduring legacy and their deep connection with fans around the world. As T-ara prepares for this special reunion, fans can look forward to a series of activities and surprises that will commemorate the group’s remarkable journey over the past 15 years.

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