Teacher Promotion Contest Registration Ends August 1: Can Teachers Sign Up During the Holiday?

Teacher Promotion Contest Registration Ends August 1: Can Teachers Sign Up During the Holiday?

The Ministry of Education has announced that teachers in Regular, Alternative, and Special Basic Education, who are registered in the Public Teacher Career (CPM), can apply for the Basic Education Advancement Contest for 2024 until August 1st. This registration will be available during holidays and at any time of day.

This initiative, presented by Education Minister Morgan Quero, aims to facilitate teacher participation. Educators can register through a specially designed application.

Applicants will need to verify, register, select, and confirm several pieces of information, including personal details, their registration group based on their modality, current teaching scale, and both the Regional Education Directorate (DRE) or Local Educational Management Unit (UGEL) for their file, as well as the venue for the National Test. Once the process is complete, teachers will receive a confirmation of their registration.

If the preloaded information is not up-to-date, teachers can request verification from the relevant DRE or UGEL to obtain a preliminary confirmation. They will be able to confirm the details later to finalize their registration.

It’s important to remember that the Advancement Contest offers teachers the chance to enhance their salaries based on their merit and pursue higher responsibility positions within the Public Teacher Career.

For further information, candidates can visit the contest’s official webpage or contact the inquiry support line at (01) 615 5887, available Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The registration for the 2024 Teacher Promotion opened on July 15 across the country, enabling teachers to progress in the teaching scale. This process consists of various stages and will conclude in February next year.

According to the Ministry of Education (Minedu), the registration process will remain open until August 1, 2024. Teachers should complete their information on a registration platform that will be accessible 24/7.

The National Stage will take place from November 6 to December 18, followed by the decentralized phase from December 5 to February 18, 2024. Participants will have to navigate multiple stages to improve their standing in the Public Teacher Career (CPM).

For registration, interested individuals can access the link: evaluaciondocente.perueduca.pe. Teachers who participated in previous contests can use their existing username and password; others will need to create a new account.

The information entered on the form will be legally binding, so it’s crucial to verify it thoroughly. The required details include personal information, the appropriate registration group, the current teaching scale from the most recent advancement resolution, the DRE or UGEL where their file is located, the venue for the National Test, and confirmation of the competition’s requirements.

Once the system verifies the provided information, two scenarios may occur:

If everything matches, the applicant will receive confirmation and can continue with the registration process. At the end, the candidate must download their registration confirmation, which serves as proof of enrollment.

Alternatively, if discrepancies arise, a verification from the DRE or UGEL will be necessary. In this case, the candidate will need to download a preliminary registration confirmation without the details concerning the scale or registration group. Later, during the data confirmation activity, they must validate the information and declare compliance with the requirements to receive their final registration confirmation.

Image and News Source: https://www.infobae.com/peru/2024/07/25/inscripcion-para-concurso-de-ascenso-docente-culmina-el-1-de-agosto-maestros-podran-apuntarse-durante-el-feriado/

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