Teen Mom’s Amber Portwood and Gary Wayt Began Couples Therapy After ‘Manic Episode’

Teen Mom’s Amber Portwood and Gary Wayt Began Couples Therapy After ‘Manic Episode’

Amber Portwood and Gary Wayt’s relationship has been a rollercoaster, marked by both deep affection and significant challenges. The latest episode of “Teen Mom: The Next Chapter” provided a candid look into their struggles, particularly focusing on Amber’s mental health issues and how they have impacted their relationship.

Amber, who was diagnosed with bipolar and borderline personality disorders in 2011, has been open about her mental health journey. She has shared her experiences with blackouts, which can leave her unable to recall certain events or conversations. This vulnerability was brought to the forefront when Gary witnessed her having a manic episode for the first time.

In the episode, Amber recounted the incident to her friend Lexi, explaining that despite the challenges, she and Gary were making efforts to strengthen their relationship. “Me and Gary are doing really good,” she said. “We’ve been staying with each other a lot more, spending more time together. We’re just going with the flow. We’re not moving fast. We’re not moving slow. We’re moving at a good pace, whatever we’re feeling.”

However, the manic episode was a turning point. Amber described it as “almost a blackout,” and it prompted the couple to seek professional help. They began attending couples therapy, hoping to find ways to navigate the complexities of their relationship and Amber’s mental health.

During one of their therapy sessions, Gary expressed his commitment to supporting Amber. He shared with the psychiatrist that he had learned to recognize the signs of her manic episodes and had developed strategies to help her through them, such as placing his hand on her face or playing music. These gestures, Amber noted, were new to her, as she had not experienced such support from previous partners.

“I think I go into protector mode,” Gary said. “This is something that she’s used to dealing with by herself, and I can’t imagine dealing with something like that by yourself.” The psychiatrist emphasized the importance of both partners taking care of themselves individually to be better partners in their relationship.

Despite their efforts, the relationship faced another significant hurdle when Gary went missing earlier this month. The couple had been staying in North Carolina for Amber’s brother’s wedding when Gary disappeared on June 9. Amber reported him missing, and after several days of uncertainty and sightings in different states, Gary was found safe on June 15.

The incident took a toll on their relationship. According to sources cited by Us Weekly, the couple has since called off their engagement. “They have too much to overcome to move forward together,” the source said.

Amber’s journey with mental health has been a central theme in her life and relationships. Diagnosed with bipolar and borderline personality disorders, she has faced numerous challenges, including blackouts and manic episodes. These issues have not only affected her personal life but have also been a significant part of her public persona, as documented on “Teen Mom.”

Amber’s relationship with Gary was marked by both love and struggle. They tried to navigate the complexities of her mental health together, seeking professional help and developing strategies to support each other. However, the pressures and challenges proved to be too much, leading to their eventual separation.

The episode of “Teen Mom: The Next Chapter” highlighted the importance of mental health awareness and the impact it can have on relationships. It also underscored the need for support systems and professional help in managing mental health issues.

Amber’s story is a reminder of the complexities of living with mental health disorders and the importance of understanding and support from loved ones. While her relationship with Gary did not work out, their journey together shed light on the challenges and resilience required to navigate such issues.

As Amber continues her journey, her experiences serve as a testament to the importance of mental health awareness and the ongoing need for support and understanding in relationships. Her story is a powerful reminder that while mental health challenges can be daunting, seeking help and having a supportive partner can make a significant difference.

Source: Us Weekly, MTV

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