Tellado claims Sánchez shows “cowardice” by asking the judge to testify in writing

Tellado claims Sánchez shows “cowardice” by asking the judge to testify in writing

Miguel Tellado, the spokesperson for the Popular Party in Congress, criticized the Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, on Wednesday, calling his request for written testimony to Judge Juan Carlos Peinado an act of “cowardice.”

Sánchez recently sent a letter to the judge overseeing the investigation into his wife, Begoña Gómez, who faces allegations of influence peddling and corruption. In the letter, he expressed a willingness to “collaborate” with the judiciary while insisting that his testimony, scheduled for July 30, should be provided in writing.

In the letter obtained by Europa Press, Sánchez emphasized that his appearance before Judge Peinado is intrinsically tied to his role as Prime Minister. He stated that providing written testimony is necessary to uphold the integrity of his office.

Tellado condemned Sánchez’s actions, remarking that “the cowardice of Sánchez knows no bounds.” He pointed out that Sánchez’s absence from Congress, where the government suffered further defeats, and his decision to communicate with the judge via letter exemplify this cowardice.

According to the Popular Party leader, the letter does not meet expectations, especially following demands by his party’s leader, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, for Sanchez to write a “definitive” letter to the public announcing his resignation.

In a Telecinco interview reported by Europa Press, Tellado suggested that if Sánchez were genuinely confident in his wife’s innocence, he would appear publicly to explain the situation. He stated that if there were truly no issues related to the ongoing judicial investigations, Sánchez should be transparent and address these matters both in Congress and in court rather than seeking to avoid responsibility.

Tellado further asserted that Sánchez’s reluctance to provide such explanations likely indicates he has no legitimate defense. He expressed that if Sánchez from 2024 were to heed the Sánchez from 2017, he would resign and call for elections, adhering to the same standards he once demanded of former Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy during those years. Tellado concluded that Sánchez is cornered by corruption, which he claims is “resting in Moncloa.”

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