The Abuse Support Service in the Catalan Audiovisual Sector Has Assisted 21 Victims

The Abuse Support Service in the Catalan Audiovisual Sector Has Assisted 21 Victims

Barcelona has marked the two-year anniversary of its support service for abuse in the audiovisual and performing arts sectors. This initiative, which began in May 2022, has been a pioneering effort in Spain, aimed at addressing gender-based violence as part of a comprehensive action plan established by the Catalan Film Academy.

Judith Colell, the president of the Catalan Film Academy, emphasized the positive impact of the service, noting that it shows a significant increase in the speed of detection, which is crucial for preventing further violence and ensuring immediate support for victims. She mentioned that the perception of victims is shifting; society as a whole now recognizes its role in addressing these issues.

Additionally, the service functions as an observatory for gender-based violence, collecting anonymous data and trends to enhance public awareness and inform policy-making. Each year, this information is shared to help improve the service itself.

Data collected includes information about who is making inquiries—whether they are victims, witnesses, or aggressors—as well as the type of violence reported, when it occurred, and the victims’ responses. Throughout the process, confidentiality is strictly maintained, protecting the privacy of all individuals involved.

Two specialists in gender-based violence, psychologist Aina Troncoso and criminal lawyer Carla Vall, have provided 21 cases of support, which include 17 victims, four witnesses, and one aggressor. They have offered both legal and psychological guidance, and referred cases to other resources as necessary.

In 2022, 60% of inquiries came from those witnessing incidents rather than from the victims themselves. However, there has been a noticeable increase in direct contact from victims in early 2023. The trend shows that more victims are reaching out for help, indicating a shift towards greater openness about their experiences.

The timeline of reported incidents also reveals interesting trends. In 2022, 60% of inquiries were about recent or current situations, while 40% pertained to issues from the past. This demonstrates a growing need for victims to articulate experiences that had previously gone unacknowledged.

In terms of the types of violence addressed, sexual violence was present in 70% of reported cases in 2022, 40% in 2023, and continued in 50% during the first months of 2024. Common issues include abuse of power, sexual harassment, digital gender-based violence, and sexual assaults.

Remarkably, in 2023, four individuals expressed a firm intention to file complaints after consulting the legal advice offered by the service. This marks a significant increase from 2022, where only one victim went on to file a report. The support service continues to play a crucial role in assisting victims and encouraging them to seek justice.

For further reading on issues of gender-based violence and advocacy, you can explore resources from organizations such as UN Women or RAINN.

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