The Acolyte’s Charlie Barnett supports the Yord Horde

The Acolyte’s Charlie Barnett supports the Yord Horde

Charlie Barnett, known for his role as Jedi Knight Yord Fandar in the new Star Wars series “The Acolyte,” has found himself at the center of a burgeoning fanbase known as the Yord Horde. Since the series premiered on Disney+, the internet has been flooded with memes and posts celebrating Barnett’s character, Yord. The actor’s family was the first to inform him about the growing legion of fans, and Barnett has been delighted by the creative ways people are showing their love for Yord.

Barnett shared his excitement with, expressing his gratitude for the Yord Horde. He mentioned that friends and family have been introducing him to various Yord-themed memes, including Yorder 66, Yorda, and Yorddle, which humorously feature Yord’s face on Yoda and Yaddle. One of Barnett’s personal favorites is the Yord Fiesta, a playful nod to the character’s popularity.

Barnett’s co-star, Dafne Keen, who plays Jecki Lon in “The Acolyte,” has also embraced the Yord Horde phenomenon. Keen has been seen posting about the fanbase, and Barnett confirmed that she is an enthusiastic member of the Yord Horde, even jokingly calling her the treasurer of the group.

The Yord Horde is not the only fanbase to emerge from “The Acolyte.” Other characters have inspired their own followings, such as Mae’s Baes, Sol Patrol, the Jecki Jam, and the Osha Oomfs. Each group proudly proclaims their love for their favorite characters with unique monikers and digital membership cards.

Despite his loyalty to the Yord Horde, Barnett also expressed his fondness for another fan group, the Pip Squeaks, who support Osha’s petite droid pal. He humorously mentioned that he would attend Pip meetings on Wednesdays, showing his appreciation for the diverse fan communities that have sprung up around the show.

Barnett’s gratitude for the Yord Horde goes beyond mere words. He has been sending Yord Horde stickers to fans in the Star Wars community, sealed with a kiss, as a token of his appreciation. He expressed his deep love for the fans, acknowledging their compassion and support for his character.

The Yord Horde’s enthusiasm has not gone unnoticed by the Star Wars community. The official Star Wars Twitter account has also joined in the fun, celebrating new episodes of “The Acolyte” with special shoutouts to the Yord Horde and other fan groups.

Barnett’s involvement with the Yord Horde and his appreciation for the fans highlight the positive impact that fan communities can have on actors and their characters. The Yord Horde’s creativity and passion have brought joy to Barnett and have helped to elevate the character of Yord Fandar within the Star Wars universe.

As “The Acolyte” continues to release new episodes, the Yord Horde and other fan groups are likely to grow even more. Barnett’s connection with the fans and his genuine appreciation for their support have created a strong bond between the actor and his audience.

In a world where fan communities can sometimes be divisive, the Yord Horde stands out as a positive and inclusive group that celebrates the love for a character and the actor who brings him to life. Barnett’s heartfelt messages to the Yord Horde and his participation in their activities demonstrate the power of fandom to create meaningful connections and bring people together.

The Yord Horde’s impact on “The Acolyte” and the Star Wars community is a testament to the enduring appeal of the Star Wars universe and the characters that inhabit it. As fans continue to share their love for Yord Fandar and other characters, the Yord Horde will undoubtedly remain a vibrant and cherished part of the Star Wars fandom.

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