The Cover of Diario PERFIL on Saturday, July 19, 2024

The Cover of Diario PERFIL on Saturday, July 19, 2024

Here is a summary and analysis of the main headlines from the 1,948th edition of Diario PERFIL, released on Saturday, July 20, 2024. This weekend’s issue is accompanied by three supplements covering a wide range of topics, from news to entertainment: "Espectáculos," "El Observador," and "Buenos Aires Times."

  1. Caputo’s Advice on Currency:

    • Economy Minister Caputo advised against buying U.S. dollars, asserting the Argentine peso will be the stronger currency. He celebrated a policy win where the central bank recuperated $13 trillion worth of securities from banks, aligning with his “zero issuance” strategy. On social media, he noted that soon, people might need to sell dollars to pay taxes.
  2. Milei’s Controversial Commentary:

    • Milei claimed he refrained from dollarizing the economy to avoid legal repercussions, criticizing the political environment.
  3. Journalism’s Democratic Role:

    • Emphasized the importance of professional and critical journalism as a fundamental pillar of democracy, which often irritates those who claim to hold the ultimate truth.
  4. Political Tensions:

    • The relationship between Victoria Villarruel and Karina Milei has deteriorated following an apology issued by the President’s sister to the French ambassador over a post where the Vice President called France a "colonialist country." The President remarked the tweet was ill-advised.
  5. Scandal in Disability Pensions:

    • Allegations of extensive fraud in disability pensions, including a bogus claim backed by an X-ray of a dog.
  6. Guillermo Francos’ Opinion:

    • Commented on the instability within the government, stating that "Many couldn’t endure being in the Government.”
  7. Sensitive Topics:

    • Discusses how political and economic situations are challenging subjects among friends.
  8. Congressional Investigation:

    • Calls for a commission to investigate visits by libertarian deputies to imprisoned repressors in Ezeiza.
  9. Legal Troubles:

    • The Pérez-Caillava couple declared their innocence and highlighted the involvement of Laudelina’s husband in their case.
  10. Influencer’s Murder:

    • Confirmed that influencer Catalina Gutiérrez from Cordoba was strangled, according to the autopsy.
  11. Literary Concerns:

    • Debate over the potential repeal of the fixed book price law, opposed by Sturzenegger.
  12. Argentina’s International Legal Actions:

    • Argentina reinitiates legal proceedings against Maduro for crimes against humanity.
  13. International Conflict:

    • An Iranian drone successfully attacked Tel Aviv, bypassing Israeli air defenses.
  14. Global Technological Dependence:
    • Discusses how a software failure led to global paralysis.

Contributors to this edition include Fara, Abraham, Poli, Burgueño, Ares, G. García, Kohonen, Kostenwein, Sinay, Kohan, Link, Guebel, Hopenhayn, Martin, Giampaolo, Berchi, Tabarovsky, A. Fontevecchia, and J. Fontevecchia.


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