The Government is Optimistic About Finding Common Ground for a Shared Regeneration Package

The Government is Optimistic About Finding Common Ground for a Shared Regeneration Package

The government is optimistic about finding common ground with parliamentary groups to forge a package of democratic regeneration measures. They have expressed a willingness to receive and discuss proposals from various political parties.

This sentiment was conveyed by Félix Bolaños, the Minister of the Presidency, Justice, and Relations with Congress, and Ernest Urtasun, the Minister of Culture, following their meetings in Congress with representatives from PNV, Bildu, Podemos, and BNG. Both ministers plan to resume talks tomorrow with other parties, including PP, ERC, and CC.

After these discussions, parliamentary sources indicated that the government representatives focused on listening to the different parties’ ideas. They described this as an initial contact phase with limited specifics but expressed a commitment to exchanging documents to formulate a preliminary outline of measures after the summer break.

During a press conference in the lower house, Bolaños reflected positively on the “cordial” and “constructive” meetings. He noted a “harmony” among participants, aimed at achieving a significant consensus in Spain regarding the action plan proposed by the government president. This aligns with the broader agreement reached at the European level to combat misinformation, fake news, and threats to democracy.

Bolaños emphasized a collective interest in ensuring a cleaner democracy, stressing that the goal is not solely the government’s prerogative but a collaborative effort with various groups. The intention is to develop a package of initiatives for democratic regeneration that the country can take pride in.

Urtasun also highlighted the government’s determination to transform the action plan for democracy into a “major national agreement.” He noted a strong alignment in the shared goal of making significant progress in regeneration during this legislative period. Urtasun elaborated that various proposals from political formations will be discussed in depth, as they seek a package that is “extensive,” “content-rich,” and “meaningful.”

For more details on political developments in Spain, you can follow trusted news sources such as BBC News or Reuters.

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