The Government is Optimistic Seeing “Common Ground” with Groups to Achieve a Shared Regeneration Package

The Government is Optimistic Seeing “Common Ground” with Groups to Achieve a Shared Regeneration Package

The government is optimistic about finding “points of agreement” with parliamentary groups in order to establish a package of measures aimed at democratic regeneration. Officials have expressed their willingness to receive and discuss proposals from various political formations.

This sentiment was echoed by Félix Bolaños, the Minister of the Presidency, Justice, and Relations with the Courts, alongside Culture Minister Ernest Urtasun, following a meeting in Congress with representatives from PNV, Bildu, Podemos, and BNG. They plan to continue these discussions with other parties, including the PP, ERC, and CC, in the coming days.

Congressional sources indicate that the government’s representatives focused on listening to the various party proposals during these initial meetings. They described the sessions as preliminary, with limited concrete outcomes but a commitment to exchange documents. This is seen as a step towards drafting a first outline of measures to be further developed after the summer break.

In a press conference at the Lower House, Bolaños expressed satisfaction with the “cordial” and “constructive” nature of the discussions. He noted a sense of “harmony” among the parties and highlighted the shared goal of achieving a “broad consensus” in Spain. This aligns with a wider agreement at the European level aimed at combating misinformation and the threats facing democracies today.

Bolaños emphasized the collective interest in fostering a more transparent democracy. He expressed hope that these discussions would lead to concrete measures, reaffirming that it is not solely the government’s role to make decisions but to collaborate with various groups in approving initiatives that will make the nation proud.

Urtasun also underscored the government’s commitment to making the plan for democratic action a “great national agreement.” He recognized a shared goal of making significant strides in the area of democratic regeneration during this legislative term. Urtasun noted that many proposals had been presented by the political parties, all of which will be debated to create a package of measures that is “extensive,” “content-rich,” and “meaningful.”

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