The latest medical report on Jorge Lanata: he is tracheostomized and connected to mechanical ventilation with low support.

The latest medical report on Jorge Lanata: he is tracheostomized and connected to mechanical ventilation with low support.

Jorge Lanata has been hospitalized at Hospital Italiano for over a month. On Tuesday, the hospital released a new medical report updating his health status, noting a “slight improvement in his overall clinical condition.”

According to the latest update, “Patient Jorge Ernesto Lanata is still in the intensive care unit of Hospital Italiano in Buenos Aires, showing a slight improvement in his general clinical condition.” This statement was shared by his wife, Elba Marcovecchio, on her official Instagram account.

The report explained that Lanata is currently on mechanical ventilation support and has undergone a tracheostomy. It documented improvements in his renal function and stated that he is hemodynamically stable without the need for vasoactive medications or antibiotics.

The medical team also noted that he is in a process of “de-complexification,” meaning he is responding appropriately to stimuli. The update was signed by Dr. Nicolás Ciarrochi, the ICU Coordinator, and Dr. Sergio Giannasi, the Head of the ICU at the hospital in Almagro, both of whom had previously certified earlier reports.

The document also mentioned that Lanata is currently dealing with a urinary infection but is receiving appropriate antibiotic treatment. He remains stable, with mechanical ventilation support and slight deterioration in renal function, yet is not reliant on artificial support and shows no other associated organ issues.

Jorge Lanata was hospitalized on June 14 after suffering a heart attack during a scheduled medical exam. Since then, the journalist, known for founding Página 12 and the television program “Periodismo para Todos,” has been in the hospital, accompanied by his wife, Elba Marcovecchio.

This marks Lanata’s second hospitalization in 2024; he was admitted in April due to respiratory failure and faced pneumonia in November of the previous year. He had also spent nearly a month in the same hospital during mid-2023 due to a bacterial urinary infection. Reflecting on that time, he shared his experience of being in a state of confusion for a month in intensive care, recalling that he lost track of time and only remembered dreams during his hospitalization.

Throughout these medical challenges, Lanata continues to maintain a voice in journalism, emphasizing the importance of critical and professional reporting as fundamental to democracy.


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