The Ministry of Finance has not allocated funds for EPS to care for their patients, stated Representative Andrés Forero: “What the Petro government is doing is unacceptable.”

The Ministry of Finance has not allocated funds for EPS to care for their patients, stated Representative Andrés Forero: “What the Petro government is doing is unacceptable.”

The scandal surrounding the National Unit for Risk Management and Disaster (Ungrd) has escalated with new allegations involving Finance Minister Ricardo Bonilla. Concerns have arisen over potential breaches regarding the funds allocated for public ministries.

Andrés Forero, a member of the House from the Democratic Center, revealed that the Ministry of Health acknowledged that the finance ministry has not disbursed the maximum budget amounts for 2022, which are essential for providing health services through EPS (Health Promotion Entities). Forero emphasized the unacceptability of the situation, pointing to allegations that former officials from Gustavo Petro’s government claimed public funds may have been used to finance illegal groups. He criticized Minister Bonilla for refusing to transfer necessary budgetary resources, which had been mandated by the Constitutional Court.

According to Forero, this acknowledgment from the health ministry came through a request for information, where they confirmed that they had repeatedly urged Bonilla to allocate the required funds, but he has yet to do so. He further lamented that while resources seem available for groups like the ELN, there is a lack of funds for Colombian health care.

The congressman pointed out that the deficit for the Ministry of Health amounts to over 800 billion pesos, denouncing Bonilla’s handling of resources that are crucial for public health. After a thorough review, it was found that approximately 819 billion pesos were missing in addition to the 2.1 trillion pesos that had already been allocated to each EPS and related entities.

Furthermore, Forero stated that the Transfers Appeals Council (Confis) has already approved the necessary disbursement and that the Administrative Department of Social Security (Adres) is awaiting the finance ministry’s approval to release these funds for additional budget adjustments.

On a related note, Forero brought attention to a separate matter, revealing a statement from Olmedo López, the former director of Ungrd, to the Supreme Court. In his testimony, López claimed that the finance ministry had made agreements with organizations linked to the ELN, essentially asking them to suspend criminal activities during peace talks.

Moreover, Forero addressed criticisms from Interior Minister Juan Fernando Cristo about the stance of opposition politicians concerning the Petro government’s policies. Cristo remarked on the apparent hypocrisy of some opposition figures who previously called for government collaboration and dialogue but now criticize any attempts at national agreements. In response, Forero asserted that skepticism is warranted; the president has spoken of national agreements since taking office, but in practice, it has resulted in empty rhetoric. He urged for actions rather than words to rebuild trust.

The ongoing discussions and controversies surrounding these financial issues reflect a broader tension in Colombian politics regarding resource allocation and governmental accountability, especially in relation to public health and safety.

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