The Prosecutor’s Office will appeal the judge’s decision to summon Pedro Sánchez as a witness in the investigation against Begoña Gómez.

The Prosecutor’s Office will appeal the judge’s decision to summon Pedro Sánchez as a witness in the investigation against Begoña Gómez.

The Provincial Prosecutor’s Office of Madrid plans to contest the decision made by Judge Juan Carlos Peinado, who summoned the Spanish Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, to testify in an investigation involving his wife, Begoña Gómez. This investigation concerns alleged influence peddling and business corruption.

Sources related to the case told Europa Press that the prosecutor intends to request the judge to annul the order issued on Monday, which stated that the testimony would be taken at La Moncloa, the Prime Minister’s official residence. This decision is based on articles 412 and 413 of the Criminal Procedure Law (LeCrim). These articles indicate that if the Prime Minister’s testimony pertains to matters he is not aware of in his official capacity, the judge will go to his official residence or office for the hearing.

The investigation looks into “all acts, behaviors, and conduct” of Begoña Gómez since her husband took office, as detailed in the initial complaint filed by the union Manos Limpias. This complaint revolves around her alleged connections to businessman Juan Carlos Barrabés and certain contracts that have not yet been reviewed by the European Prosecutor’s Office.

In his court document, the judge noted that it would be “appropriate, useful, and pertinent” to hear from the husband of the accused. However, the LeCrim, in article 416, states that Pedro Sánchez, being Begoña Gómez’s spouse, is “exempt from the obligation to testify.” Legal experts consulted by Europa Press clarified that this exemption does not release him from appearing before the judge. Therefore, he cannot invoke this article until the judge arrives at La Moncloa.

It is worth mentioning that the Prosecutor’s Office requested the dismissal of the initial complaint from Manos Limpias in April, arguing for the narrowing of the case’s scope. By early July, the Prosecutor’s Office had asked the Madrid Court to limit the investigation, believing the judge was pursuing a “general” case.

This development comes after Begoña Gómez chose to invoke her right not to testify, citing concerns about the lack of guarantees in the ongoing proceedings against her. On the same day, the political party Vox, acting as a private prosecutor, called for Pedro Sánchez to be summoned as a witness to explain his purported “meetings” with Begoña Gómez and the investigated businessman, Juan Carlos Barrabés.

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