Tracy Morgan Reflects on Fateful Accident a Decade Later

Tracy Morgan Reflects on Fateful Accident a Decade Later

Tracy Morgan Reflects on Fateful Accident a Decade Later

Tracy Morgan recently took a moment to reflect on the life-altering accident that occurred ten years ago. Speaking exclusively to PEOPLE, the 55-year-old comedian expressed his heartfelt emotions about the tragic event that took place on June 7, 2014. “Today marks ten years since our fateful accident, and I want to say to everyone who was in the van with me that night, I love you. We miss you, Uncle Jimmy Mac, and God bless your family,” Morgan shared.

He also extended forgiveness to the driver involved in the accident, saying, “To the driver that night and his family, my comrades and I forgive you.” This statement comes after the 30 Rock star survived a near-fatal crash on the New Jersey Turnpike. A Walmart truck collided with Morgan’s limousine from behind, resulting in the death of his mentor, James McNair, who was 62 at the time. Morgan himself was critically injured, suffering a broken leg and falling into a coma.

In his 2017 Netflix special, Staying Alive, Morgan recounted the incident, describing it as “magic” that he survived. He told the outlet, “Whenever something bad happened to me, I made it funny and turned it good.”

The accident left Morgan in a wheelchair for five months. He underwent rehabilitation at JFK Johnson Rehabilitation Institute in Edison, New Jersey, where he had to relearn how to speak and walk. Remarkably, Morgan and his then 14-month-old daughter, Maven, learned to walk together. “That’s magic,” he said of the shared experience in his Netflix special.

Morgan’s personal goal during physical therapy was to walk down the aisle without a cane for his wedding to Megan Wollover in 2015, although the couple later split in 2020. His family played a crucial role in encouraging him to move forward, especially as he battled depression during his recovery.

Following his rehabilitation, Morgan worked tirelessly to recover and slowly regained his strength. He shared his journey over the years, and in 2017, he told PEOPLE that the crash left him motivated and with a “story to tell.” “When anything bad happened to me, I made it funny and turned it good,” he said while promoting his Netflix special.

In the special, Morgan candidly discussed his injuries and brain trauma. “I broke every bone in my face, my ribs. I pulverized my femur,” he revealed. “I’m from the ghetto, and after I came out of the coma, I was blind for a week. Where I come from, you don’t want to be blind for a second. All kinds of stuff started coming up missing in my hospital room.”

On the fifth anniversary of the crash, Morgan took to social media to reflect on McNair’s death and express his gratitude. “There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t miss my friend Jimmy Mac, who sadly lost his life that night. I love you, Jimmy. I thank GOD for my family,” he wrote in 2019.

Morgan also expressed his eternal gratitude for the love and support he received from his family and friends. “I am eternally grateful for the love and support they give me. My wife, daughter, sons, and friends are what got me back on my feet. I live every day trying to do right by them and make the most of this second chance,” he said.

In 2020, Morgan told PEOPLE, “I have my good days and I have my bad days. I just want to get better and become healthy.” Most importantly, he added, “I am happy to be alive.”

As Morgan reflects on the past decade, he continues to find strength in his family and his passion for stand-up comedy. The accident may have changed his life, but it also gave him a renewed sense of purpose and a story that he continues to share with the world.

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