Trump repeats unfounded claims about Biden in pre-debate outburst

Trump repeats unfounded claims about Biden in pre-debate outburst

Former President Donald Trump has once again made unsubstantiated claims about President Joe Biden, this time suggesting that Biden was under the influence of cocaine during his State of the Union address on March 7, 2024. Trump’s remarks, made during an interview with conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt, have reignited his calls for Biden to undergo drug testing before any future debates.

Trump’s assertion that Biden was “higher than a kite” during the address is part of a broader narrative he has been pushing, which includes claims that Biden’s performance was artificially enhanced. Trump described Biden as being “all jacked up at the beginning” of the speech but “fading fast” by the end. These comments echo similar accusations Trump made during the 2020 campaign, where he suggested that Biden received a “big fat shot in the a—” before debates, implying the use of performance-enhancing drugs.

The Biden campaign has consistently dismissed these claims as baseless. During the 2020 campaign, Biden’s team mocked Trump’s demands for drug testing, suggesting that Trump believed his best case for a debate was “made in urine.” On Thursday, Biden campaign spokesman Ammar Moussa labeled Trump’s latest comments as a “bizarre outburst” and urged voters to focus on more pressing issues, such as Trump’s controversial immigration policies and his continued false claims about the 2020 election.

Trump’s insistence on linking Biden’s debate performance to the cocaine found in a White House visitor area last year further fuels right-wing conspiracy theories. Despite the Secret Service closing the investigation without identifying any suspects, Trump has repeatedly suggested that the cocaine was intended for Biden or his son, Hunter Biden, who has a history of drug addiction but has been sober in recent years.

Neither Biden nor Trump consume alcohol, and there is no evidence to support Trump’s claims that Biden uses drugs. Nonetheless, Trump continues to capitalize on concerns about Biden’s age and energy levels, often referring to him as “sleepy Joe Biden.” While Trump stops short of directly stating that Biden is too old to be president, he frequently highlights Biden’s gaffes and physical stumbles to question his fitness for office.

Trump’s calls for a debate with Biden come after he chose to skip the Republican primary debates, citing his strong polling lead. Biden has not committed to debating Trump, stating that his decision would depend on Trump’s behavior. Both candidates have faced scrutiny for their age and occasional missteps, with Biden being 81 years old and Trump only four years younger.

The cocaine incident at the White House has been a focal point for unfounded right-wing conspiracy theories. Trump has suggested that the White House may have destroyed security footage to cover up the incident, claiming on Truth Social that the cocaine was meant to “give this total disaster of a President a little life and energy.” These allegations have been widely debunked, but they continue to circulate in certain circles.

Trump’s repeated unfounded claims about Biden’s drug use and the cocaine incident are part of a broader strategy to undermine Biden’s credibility and fitness for office. By continually raising these issues, Trump aims to sow doubt and distract from his own controversies and policy positions.

In the context of the upcoming election, Trump’s strategy appears to be focused on energizing his base by attacking Biden’s character and capabilities. However, these tactics also risk alienating moderate voters who may view Trump’s claims as outlandish and unsubstantiated.

As the election season progresses, it remains to be seen whether Trump’s repeated unfounded claims will have a significant impact on voter perceptions. For now, both campaigns are likely to continue their respective strategies, with Trump focusing on personal attacks and Biden emphasizing policy differences and Trump’s controversial record.

Source: Forbes, CNN

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