UCR Internal: Deloredism and its Allies Showcase Unity and Confirm Ferrer as Their Candidate for Provincial Committee

UCR Internal: Deloredism and its Allies Showcase Unity and Confirm Ferrer as Their Candidate for Provincial Committee

Leaders from Marea Radical, a faction aligned with De Loredo, held a meeting on Monday to affirm their coalition ahead of the internal elections for the UCR (Radical Civic Union) in Córdoba. These elections, set for September 8, are crucial for the renewal of party authorities, with a consensus emerging around Mayor Marcos Ferrer as the preferred candidate for president.

The gathering showcased representation from the Marea faction, including prominent figures such as Elisa Caffaratti and Esteban Bria, alongside various internal group leaders from organizations like Asamblea Radical, Consenso, Fuerza Renovadora, Línea Córdoba, and Morena. Several legislators participated as well, including Miguel Nicolás, Alejandra Ferrero, and Daniela Gudiño, along with council members Sergio Piguillem, Juan Balastegui, and former councilor Lucas Balian.

In their statement, the group highlighted the collaborative effort among different factions to share perspectives and work towards forming a robust future party alliance, which they plan to announce on July 29 at the provincial level.

The allied members under De Loredo strongly emphasized their shared support for Marcos Ferrer as the candidate for the presidency of the UCR Provincial Committee. This gathering underscored the commitment of De Loredo’s faction and its allies to unite behind Ferrer’s leadership in the party.

The electoral schedule outlines that the deadline for submitting alliances is July 29, while the registration for lists to participate in the internal elections must be completed by August 2.

Source: https://www.perfil.com/noticias/cordoba/interna-ucr-el-deloredismo-y-sus-aliados-exhiben-alianza-y-ratifican-a-ferrer-como-su-candidato-al-comite-provincia.phtml

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