United Metalhawk Toys Colors Official Reveal Images & Design from Transformers Legacy

United Metalhawk Toys Colors Official Reveal Images & Design from Transformers Legacy

Mark has unveiled the latest addition to the Transformers Legacy lineup: the United Metalhawk Toys Colors figure. The official reveal images showcase the vibrant hues of this package refresh, set to be part of Wave 4. Fans can mark their calendars for Thursday, June 13, at 1pm ET / 10am PT, when this figure will be available for purchase. Make sure to grab yours from the sponsored links while supplies last.

The new Metalhawk figure is a striking update, featuring a more vibrant toy pretender shell. This figure is a partial retooling of the Cyclonus mold, with development led by the talented @naveskoorb. Evan Brooks, known for his deep knowledge and passion for Japanese Transformers, played a crucial role in bringing this figure to life.

Some fans might notice that the gold on this figure doesn’t exactly match the original toy. Mark explains that achieving the perfect gold hue in molded plastic is challenging. There are only a few Pantone golds that offer the right color pop and longevity. Despite these challenges, Mark trusted his instincts to guide the design process. Since color changes are rare for package refreshes, he aimed to keep the new release close to the original while still offering a unique variant.

Although Mark doesn’t have in-hand samples to showcase, he assures fans that the colors in the reveal images are accurate. And there’s more excitement on the horizon, with another voyager reveal promised for tomorrow.

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