Valerie Bertinelli’s New Relationship: Her Vulnerable Instagram Post and Healing Journey

Valerie Bertinelli’s New Relationship: Her Vulnerable Instagram Post and Healing Journey

Valerie Bertinelli’s New Relationship: Her Vulnerable Instagram Post and Healing Journey

Valerie Bertinelli, the beloved actress and celebrity chef, is experiencing a newfound happiness, largely attributed to her blossoming relationship with Mike Goodnough. Bertinelli has been candid about her journey to love and healing, sharing a heartfelt Instagram post on June 25 that introduced her followers to Goodnough. The couple began dating in March 2024, and Bertinelli has openly expressed her joy and love, emotions she once thought she might never feel again.

### Valerie Bertinelli’s Instagram Post About Her Relationship

On June 25, Bertinelli took to Instagram to share her feelings about her relationship with Goodnough. The post featured a relaxed and endearing photo of Goodnough, accompanied by an emotional caption where Bertinelli discussed her journey of putting herself back out there.

In her post, Bertinelli revealed that her healing journey began at the end of 2022, coinciding with the finalization of her divorce from Tom Vitale. She emphasized the importance of being “vulnerable and authentic,” qualities she had been striving to embody. However, she acknowledged that healing from a toxic relationship is not a straightforward process, and old triggers can resurface unexpectedly.

Bertinelli wrote about the challenges of learning to trust again after having her trust shattered. She praised Goodnough for his supportive nature and highlighted both his emotional and physical attributes, expressing gratitude for his presence in her life.

### Valerie Bertinelli and Mike Goodnough’s Relationship Timeline

Mike Goodnough, a lifestyle writer known for his Substack, Hoarse Whispering, where he shares personal reflections and experiences, announced his relationship with Bertinelli on the same platform. The couple initially met online and maintained a platonic relationship for a couple of years. Their connection deepened after a significant phone conversation in January, leading them to start dating.

Bertinelli publicly announced her new relationship in March but kept Goodnough’s identity under wraps initially. Their first public appearance as a couple was at the Daytime Emmy Awards in April. Shortly after, Goodnough expressed his feelings in a heartfelt Substack post, describing their relationship as a “gift” and expressing his admiration for Bertinelli.

### Valerie Bertinelli’s Previous Relationships

Bertinelli’s journey to her current happiness has not been without its challenges. Before Goodnough, she was married to businessman Tom Vitale for over a decade. The couple met in 2004, got engaged in 2010, and married in 2011. Their divorce was finalized in November 2022, a day Bertinelli described as the “second best day of my life” on social media.

Prior to Vitale, Bertinelli was married to rock legend Eddie Van Halen from 1981 until their divorce in 2007. They shared a son, Wolfgang, who is now a 33-year-old musician. Van Halen passed away in 2020 after a battle with cancer.

### Valerie Bertinelli’s Healing Journey

In her Instagram post, Bertinelli opened up about the emotional hurdles she has faced. She admitted that being in a new relationship after healing from a toxic one can bring out unexpected triggers. She described the difficulty of learning to trust again, noting that past demons often resurface to protect against vulnerability and emotional exposure.

Despite these challenges, Bertinelli expressed that Goodnough is worth the effort. She described him as the most thoughtful, kind, gentle, intelligent, funny, and grateful man she has ever met. Her post concluded with a loving note about his appearance, adding a touch of humor and affection.

### Moving Forward

Bertinelli’s journey is a testament to resilience and the power of love. She has been open about her struggles and triumphs, offering inspiration to many who follow her. Her relationship with Goodnough represents a new chapter filled with hope and happiness.

In an interview with PEOPLE, Bertinelli shared her excitement about her new relationship, describing it as unlike any she has experienced before. She expressed gratitude for having met Goodnough, feeling blessed and lucky to have him in her life.

Goodnough, too, has been vocal about his feelings for Bertinelli, writing extensively about their relationship on his blog. He confirmed their relationship to his Substack followers, expressing his adoration and happiness.

### Conclusion

Valerie Bertinelli’s journey to healing and love is a powerful story of overcoming past pain and embracing new beginnings. Her relationship with Mike Goodnough has brought her immense joy and has been a significant part of her healing process. As she continues to share her experiences, Bertinelli remains an inspiring figure, demonstrating that it is possible to find love and happiness after hardship.

Source: USA TODAY, PEOPLE, Instagram

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