Victoria Beckham Slept with David Hours After Meeting Prince Charles

Victoria Beckham Slept with David Hours After Meeting Prince Charles

An explosive new biography of the Beckhams has revealed that Victoria and David Beckham had their first sexual encounter just hours after meeting Prince Charles. This sensational claim is made by biographer Tom Bower in his newly-released book, “House of Beckham,” which is packed with intriguing details about the couple and their interactions with the royal family.

Victoria Beckham, now 50, reportedly shared this intimate detail with the press when asked about her sex life with the football star. “I’m blissfully satisfied with my man,” she said, according to Bower. “It happened,” she chortled, “hours after meeting Prince Charles. Thereafter, she said, Beckham was ‘a total animal’ in bed.”

The biography also delves into other aspects of the Beckhams’ lives, including David’s fondness for his pet name “Golden Balls,” a moniker that became public during an interview with Michael Parkinson.

Bower’s book doesn’t shy away from discussing the Beckhams’ relationship with the royal family, particularly their now-strained friendship with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. According to Bower, Meghan Markle “put on airs” when she first met Victoria, believing that her impending status as a duchess elevated her social standing above Victoria’s. Bower criticizes this belief as “deluded.”

“In Meghan’s celebrity world, ranking depended on wealth and fame,” Bower wrote. “As a seasoned operator, Meghan deluded herself that her status in the Royal family placed her above Victoria in the social pecking order. She was irritated to discover that the Beckhams had considerably more wealth than herself. They owned five homes, had constant access to private jets, invitations to sail on yachts, and much more money. And she was soon to be a duchess.”

Despite Meghan’s alleged belief about her social standing, Bower claims this did not stop her from asking Victoria for expensive clothes and handbags. “Victoria agreed to provide a coat, dress, boots, and a handbag worth £6,000 to Meghan for the Royal Family’s traditional Christmas Day parade in Sandringham,” he wrote. However, Bower added that “the financial benefit was nil” for Victoria’s brand.

The Beckhams attended Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s wedding in 2018, but their friendship has since soured. The reasons for this deterioration are not fully detailed in Bower’s book, but the tension between the two couples is evident.

The biography also touches on other aspects of the Beckhams’ lives, including their lavish lifestyle and the public’s fascination with their relationship. The couple, who have been married for over two decades, have often been in the spotlight, not just for their professional achievements but also for their personal lives.

Victoria and David Beckham have managed to maintain a strong relationship despite the constant media scrutiny. Their ability to navigate the challenges of fame and maintain a united front has been a significant part of their appeal to the public.

Bower’s “House of Beckham” offers a detailed look into the lives of one of the world’s most famous couples, providing readers with a glimpse into their private moments and the dynamics of their relationships with other high-profile individuals, including members of the royal family.

The book is likely to be a hit with fans of the Beckhams and those interested in the intricacies of celebrity relationships. It provides a comprehensive look at the couple’s journey, from their early days to their current status as global icons.

In summary, “House of Beckham” by Tom Bower is a must-read for anyone interested in the lives of Victoria and David Beckham. The book’s revelations about their first sexual encounter, their relationship with the royal family, and their lavish lifestyle make it a compelling read.

Source: The Independent

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