Victoria Tolosa Paz Accused of Purchasing 12 Thousand Tons of “Unfit for Consumption” Yerba Mate

Prosecutor Gerardo Pollicita is pushing for a criminal action in case number 2104/2024 following the revelation of a scandal involving the acquisition of yerba mate unfit for human consumption.

This case originated from a complaint by Leila Daniela Gianni, Legal Undersecretary of the Ministry of Human Capital, detailing the purchase of twelve million packages of yerba mate that did not meet quality and safety standards. The transaction value was approximately $18,224,700,000.

Tolosa Paz responded to the government regarding the purchase of tons of yerba: “Another hastily prepared complaint to cover up reality.”

This does not sit well with authoritarians.

Professional and critical journalism is a fundamental pillar of democracy. That’s why it bothers those who believe they own the truth.

In his instruction request, Prosecutor Pollicita stated that the yerba mate was acquired “without ensuring appropriate safety and sanitation controls.” This irregularity suggests potential fraud against the public administration and abuse of authority.

Gianni’s complaint implicates several former public officials and companies. Among them are Victoria Tolosa Paz, former Minister of Social Development; Agustín Rossi, former Chief of Cabinet; and Leonardo Moyano, former Secretary of Social Policy Articulation.

The former Minister of Social Development, Victoria Tolosa Paz, signed the public tender for $18,224,700,000 on November 7, 2023. The “Offer Evaluation Report” was completed on September 18, 2023, favoring the distributor Compañía Comercial Mayorista S.R.L, which would supply yerba under the brand “El Buen Ojo.” Yerbatera Kleñuk, owned by Ignacio Kleñuk, supplied yerba mate with sticks from the same brand, and Hugo Oscar Holowaty’s company provided the product “Sierra del Imán.”

According to the complaint, these public officials allowed the acquisition of yerba mate containing harmful substances such as “parenchyma, lacunar parenchyma, and calcium oxalate crystals,” which are dangerous for human consumption.

The procurement process bypassed controls from the National Institute of Yerba Mate (INYM), delegating technical evaluation to the National University of San Martín (UNSAM). Gianni claimed that this university has “an economic and political link with authorities of the former Ministry of Social Development.”

The Government filed a complaint against Victoria Tolosa Paz for alleged irregularities in the purchase of thousands of tons of yerba.

The complaint underscores that the acquired yerba mate was in poor condition, as confirmed by several audit reports. For example, a report by biochemist Raquel María Fretes concluded that the yerba “does not comply with parameters established by IRAM 20531:2015.”

Prosecutor Pollicita has requested several measures to advance the investigation, including:

Requests to the Ministry of Human Capital for background information and details on the conducted audits. Investigation into Proveeduría Integral MC SRL for another allegedly directed tender. Urgent technical examination of the questioned yerba mate to determine its suitability for human consumption. Additionally, steps have been taken to safeguard the material under investigation and to order other measures deemed necessary by the judge.

According to the complainants, “this scandal highlights serious irregularities in the acquisition of products intended for social assistance during the government of Alberto Fernández.”

The National Institute of Yerba Mate (INYM) had previously warned that the merchandise purchased by the Ministry of Social Development “showed signs of being adulterated.”

Even a year before the purchase, when it became public that Kleñuk and Holowaty’s companies won the public tender to “assist the vulnerable population,” INYM officials warned that “the merchandise showed signs of being adulterated.”

“We sent the packages for analysis. We want to analyze the sticks, foreign substances, contaminants, all components of that package. This is yerba the State bought for the most humble. This is a food product; we cannot give them this garbage,” stated Marcelo Hacklander, an INYM official, at the time. Thus, the institute advised national authorities to “analyze all merchandise before distributing it for consumption.”

In addition, Cristian Klingbeil, former president of the Association of Agricultural Producers of Misiones (APAM), stated to the media outlet Bichos de Campo: “We were reporting that the purchased yerba was of poor quality. It was mixed with tea, herbs, and a little bit of yerba. I even had the opportunity to see one of those packages because one of our workers received it, and you needed courage to drink that. Those of us who are in the field immediately notice when there is something strange,” he explained.


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