vocal Israel critic and ‘squad’ member loses primary to moderate challenger

vocal Israel critic and ‘squad’ member loses primary to moderate challenger

Progressive Rep. Jamaal Bowman, D-N.Y., a vocal critic of Israel and a member of the progressive “squad,” lost his primary race on Tuesday to moderate challenger George Latimer. This defeat, projected by NBC News, followed a contentious and costly campaign that highlighted deep divisions within the Democratic Party over the ongoing conflict in Gaza.

The primary race in New York’s 16th District saw unprecedented ad spending, totaling $25 million according to AdImpact, an ad tracking firm. Of this, nearly $15 million was funneled through the United Democracy Project, a super PAC associated with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), a powerful pro-Israel lobby that supported Latimer.

With 84% of the vote counted by Wednesday morning, Latimer led Bowman by a significant margin, 58.4% to 41.6%. Addressing his supporters on Tuesday night, Bowman conceded defeat but emphasized that the broader struggle for “humanity and justice” would continue. “This race was never about me and me alone. It was never about this district and this district alone. It was always about all of us,” Bowman said at the Grand Roosevelt Ballroom in Yonkers. “Now, our opponents — not opponent — may have won this round, at this time, in this place. But this will be a battle for our humanity and justice for the rest of our lives.”

Bowman, 48, has been one of Congress’ most outspoken critics of Israel. His loss marks the first time an incumbent Democratic lawmaker has been unseated in a primary this election cycle and the first time a member of the “squad” of progressive lawmakers of color has been ousted since the group formed after the 2018 elections. Other squad members, including Reps. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., and Summer Lee, D-Pa., have faced primary challenges but have managed to retain their seats.

A former middle school principal from the Bronx, Bowman first made headlines in 2020 when he unseated 16-term Rep. Eliot Engel, then the chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee and one of the most influential Jewish lawmakers in Congress. Bowman was re-elected in 2022 but faced increased vulnerability this cycle due to several missteps.

Last fall, Bowman pleaded guilty to falsely pulling a fire alarm in a House building during a vote on a GOP bill to avert a government shutdown. Although Bowman claimed it was an accident, Republicans accused him of attempting to disrupt official House business. The incident became a recurring topic on the campaign trail. Additionally, Bowman faced backlash for initially dismissing reports of sexual violence during the Oct. 7 Hamas terrorist attack in Israel as “propaganda,” a statement he later retracted after the United Nations confirmed the assaults.

Latimer, 70, has a long history in local and state politics, beginning with his election to the Rye City Council in 1987. He has since held positions on the Westchester County Board of Legislators and in the state Assembly and Senate. As the Democratic nominee, Latimer is expected to win the general election in New York’s 16th District, a diverse area north of Manhattan that includes parts of the Bronx and southern Westchester County. Joe Biden won the district by nearly 45 percentage points over Donald Trump in 2020.

“Tonight, we turn the page and we say that we believe in inclusion of everybody in our representation,” Latimer said at his election party. “That you are included no matter what your demographic is. Doesn’t matter your age, color of your skin, your religion, sexual identity, whether you’re a right-hander or a left-hander. Whether you’re a Mets fan or a Yankee fan.”

The race attracted attention from several prominent figures. Progressive icons like Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., campaigned for Bowman, while Hillary Clinton, Rep. Josh Gottheimer, D-N.J., and former New York Gov. David Paterson endorsed Latimer. Former Rep. Mondaire Jones, D-N.Y., a former ally of Bowman, also endorsed Latimer, citing Bowman’s criticism of Israel. This endorsement led to backlash from progressives, with the Congressional Progressive Caucus and the Working Families Party of New York rescinding their support for Jones, who was running in a neighboring district with a large Jewish population. Despite this, Jones won the Democratic nomination in the 17th District, setting up a fall matchup with vulnerable Republican Rep. Mike Lawler.

Ocasio-Cortez easily won her Democratic primary in New York’s 14th District, underscoring the mixed fortunes of the squad in this election cycle.

Tuesday’s primaries also set the stage for November matchups in several competitive districts. New York is crucial for Democrats’ path to reclaiming the House majority, with five Republicans representing districts Biden won in 2020. Democrats need a net gain of just five seats to take control of the House.

In New York’s 1st District, former CNN anchor John Avlon won the Democratic primary to challenge GOP Rep. Nick LaLota. State Sen. John Mannion will face GOP Rep. Brandon Williams in central New York’s 22nd District, which has become more Democratic after redistricting. Other battleground matchups include GOP Rep. Anthony D’Esposito against former Hempstead Town Supervisor Laura Gillen, and GOP Rep. Marc Molinaro against attorney Josh Riley.

Two Democrats on defense this year also learned their GOP opponents on Tuesday. Rep. Pat Ryan will face Alison Esposito, a former New York City police officer, and Rep. Tom Suozzi will face former state Assemblyman Mike LiPetri.

The primary results underscore the ongoing ideological battles within the Democratic Party, particularly around issues related to Israel and Palestine. Bowman’s defeat serves as a significant moment in this broader struggle, highlighting the influence of pro-Israel groups and the challenges faced by progressive lawmakers.

Source: NBC News, AdImpact, Daily Kos Elections

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