Vox accuses Sánchez of ” elevating inequality” and calls for government removal

Vox accuses Sánchez of ” elevating inequality” and calls for government removal

On Wednesday, Ignacio Garriga, the vice president of Vox, criticized President Pedro Sánchez for allegedly "elevating inequality among Spaniards to the level of law." This comment was made in reference to the Amnesty Law that affects those involved in the ‘process’ of Catalan independence. Garriga called for the government to be "ousted."

He expressed his thoughts while discussing the Supreme Court’s decision to consult with the Constitutional Court regarding this measure, claiming it infringes on the principle of equality and jeopardizes legal certainty. This marks the first instance where the Supreme Court has sought clarification from the Constitutional Court about the law’s wording.

According to Garriga, the issue of inequality began years ago with separatism attacking these principles. He stated in a post on the social media platform X (formerly Twitter) that the problem of inequality was "institutionalized by various governments, including those of the PP and PSOE, and ultimately, Sánchez has codified it into law." He concluded by insisting that the current government must be removed from power.

For further insights on political developments in Spain, you can check reliable news outlets like BBC News or Reuters.

Image and News Source: https://www.infobae.com/espana/agencias/2024/07/24/vox-acusa-a-sanchez-de-elevar-a-rango-de-ley-la-desigualdad-entre-espanoles-y-pide-desalojar-al-gobierno/

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