Vox believes Biden’s resignation “comes four years too late”: “The worst president of the US at the worst possible time.”

Vox believes Biden’s resignation “comes four years too late”: “The worst president of the US at the worst possible time.”

Vox spokesman José Antonio Fúster commented on Monday that Joe Biden’s withdrawal from the presidential race “comes four years too late.” He labeled Biden as "the worst president of the United States at the worst possible time."

Fúster’s remarks followed Biden’s announcement on Sunday, where he stated that he was stepping down from the race for the sake of the Democratic Party, the country, and his personal interests. This decision arises amid growing concerns regarding his competence and health.

During a press conference at the Vox national headquarters, Fúster expressed his hopes that Biden would enjoy a peaceful retirement. He emphasized that he believed Biden was unqualified to serve as president, asserting, “he has been the worst president in the worst possible moment.”

Fúster elaborated on his statement by saying that while there may have been other poor presidents, Biden stands out as one of the worst, if not the worst, given the current circumstances. He lamented that Biden’s presidency has cost the United States “four years.”

Regarding the possibility of Vice President Kamala Harris taking Biden’s place in the race against former President Donald Trump, Fúster suggested that the Democratic Party is “looking for the worst candidate to lose by the largest margin possible against a giant.”

These statements reflect a significant sentiment from the Vox party regarding the Democratic leadership and the current political climate in the United States. For further coverage of U.S. political developments, you might explore resources like Politico or BBC News.

Image and News Source: https://www.infobae.com/america/agencias/2024/07/22/vox-cree-que-la-renuncia-de-biden-llega-cuatro-anos-tarde-el-peor-presidente-de-eeuu-en-el-peor-momento-posible/

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