Wayne Brady Discusses Pansexuality and Family Remix Reality TV Show

Wayne Brady Discusses Pansexuality and Family Remix Reality TV Show

Wayne Brady is opening up about his personal life and his journey of self-discovery in a new reality TV series, Wayne Brady: The Family Remix. The show, set to premiere on Freeform this summer, will offer an intimate look into Brady’s unique family dynamics and his recent revelation about his pansexuality.

Brady, a multi-talented entertainer known for his roles as an actor, comedian, singer, and host, is excited to share his life beyond the stage. The series will delve into his blended family, which includes his ex-wife Mandie Taketa, their 21-year-old daughter Maile, and Taketa’s partner Jason Fordham, along with their 3-year-old son Sundance-Isamu.

Despite their separation in 2008, Brady and Taketa have maintained a close relationship, co-parenting their daughter and working together in their production company. Fordham, who was once Brady’s backup dancer, is now an integral part of their family and business.

Wayne Brady: The Family Remix aims to showcase the unconventional yet loving dynamics of Brady’s family. The show will highlight their challenges and triumphs, offering viewers a glimpse into their everyday lives. According to the official synopsis, the series will reveal “unexpected points of view and values that most people have a hard time understanding,” providing a deeper understanding of their seemingly perfect social media posts.

In a teaser shared on Instagram, Brady introduced his family as “The Core Four,” expressing his excitement for the show. He referred to Taketa as his “soulmate” and “ride or die,” emphasizing their strong bond despite their divorce. The teaser also featured their daughter Maile and Fordham, showcasing their close-knit relationship.

Aside from exploring his family life, the series will also delve into Brady’s personal journey, including his recent coming out as pansexual. In 2023, Brady publicly shared his struggle with self-discovery and his desire to live authentically. He revealed that he is attracted to individuals regardless of their gender identity, a realization that has brought him a sense of freedom and happiness.

Brady’s decision to come out was influenced by the death of Robin Williams in 2014, which prompted him to embark on a path of self-discovery. He admitted that he had been attracted to certain men in the past but had suppressed those feelings due to societal pressures and fear. Now, he is committed to living his truth and being the best version of himself for his family and fans.

The upcoming series will provide a platform for Brady to share his experiences and advocate for acceptance and understanding. He hopes that by sharing his story, he can inspire others to embrace their true selves and challenge traditional norms.

Wayne Brady: The Family Remix premieres on Freeform on July 24 at 10:00 p.m. ET, with streaming available the next day on Hulu. The show promises to be a heartfelt and eye-opening exploration of Brady’s life, offering viewers a chance to see the man behind the entertainer and the unique family that supports him.

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