What was the closing price of the blue dollar today, Monday, July 22, 2024?

What was the closing price of the blue dollar today, Monday, July 22, 2024?

On Monday, July 22, 2024, the blue dollar closed with the following values in the exchange market. The parallel dollar is valued at $1,420 for buying and $1,440 for selling.

The official dollar, according to the Banco de la Nación Argentina (BNA), ended today at $906 for buying and $946 for selling. Meanwhile, the MEP dollar, also known as the stock dollar, stands at $1,325.60 for buying and $1,327.30 for selling. The cash with settlement dollar is at $1,325.90 for purchasing and $1,327.40 for selling.

In terms of the solidary dollar, which includes additional taxes, it is priced at $1,513.60 at the Banco Nación. The wholesale dollar closed today at $920 for buying and $923 for selling. Furthermore, the crypto dollar, based on cryptocurrency transactions, finished at $1,360.40 for purchasing and $1,370 for selling.

For dollar amounts reflected on credit card statements, the exchange rate is currently $1,513.60. This applies to foreign currency consumption for digital products, streaming platforms, or purchases abroad.

In the exchange market, the blue euro closed today at $1,538 for buying and $1,565 for selling. The official euro, according to the BNA, ended the day at $975 for buying and $1,033 for selling. The blue euro typically trades at a higher rate than the official euro in the informal market.

As for the Brazilian real, the official rate today is $173.50 for purchasing and $183.50 for selling. The blue real, on the parallel market, is priced at $244.75 for buying and $263.75 for selling.

The country risk, which indicates the difference in interest rates on U.S. Treasury bonds compared to other nations, currently sits at 1,576 basis points according to JP Morgan’s index.

Source: https://www.perfil.com/noticias/economia/el-dolar-blue-cerro-a-1420-para-la-compra-y-1440-para-la-venta-este-lunes-22-de-julio-de-2024.phtml

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