What was the closing value of the blue dollar today, Tuesday, July 23, 2024?

What was the closing value of the blue dollar today, Tuesday, July 23, 2024?

Today, Tuesday, July 23, 2024, the closing values for the U.S. dollar in Argentina are as follows:

The blue dollar has closed at a market rate of $1,425.00 for buying and $1,445.00 for selling. Meanwhile, Finance Minister Luis Caputo is in Brazil and is expected to meet with Kristalina Georgieva from the IMF.

This situation is troubling for authoritarian figures.

A vital aspect of democracy is the practice of professional and critical journalism, which often irritates those who believe they hold the ultimate truth.

Regarding the official dollar rate, the Banco de la Nación Argentina (BNA) lists the official closing rates today at $906.00 for buying and $946.00 for selling.

As for the MEP dollar, also known as the stock dollar, it is currently priced at $1,334.70 for buying and $1,337.30 for selling.

Moreover, the dollar for liquidation (CCL) is at $1,334.00 for buying and $1,336.00 for selling.

In terms of the solidary dollar, which is often referred to as the savings or tourist dollar, it stands at $1,513.60 at Banco Nación.

The wholesale dollar closed today at $920.00 for buying and $923.00 for selling.

When it comes to the crypto dollar, transactions with cryptocurrencies list it at $1,370.10 for buying and $1,385.00 for selling.

Additionally, the exchange rate for dollars charged on credit card statements is currently at $1,513.60. This rate applies to foreign currency spending, which can occur through digital products, streaming platforms, or purchases made abroad.

Today, the blue euro has closed at $1,543 for buying and $1,571 for selling.

According to the BNA, the official euro rate today is $975.00 for buying and $1,033.00 for selling in the formal market.

In the informal market, the blue euro has closed at $1,543.00 for buying and $1,571.00 for selling. The blue euro circulates in the parallel market, often priced higher than the official euro.

For the Brazilian real, the official rate on this date is $173.50 for buying and $183.50 for selling, as reported by the BNA. The blue real in the parallel market is priced at $244.75 for buying and $263.75 for selling.

Additionally, the country risk index, compiled by JP Morgan to measure the difference in yields between U.S. Treasury bonds and those of other nations, stands at 1,552 basis points as of today, July 23.

Source: https://www.perfil.com/noticias/economia/el-dolar-blue-cerro-a-1425-para-la-compra-y-1445-para-la-venta-este-martes-23-de-julio-de-2024.phtml

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