White Lotus Star Theo James Ditches Rock Star Dreams After Gross Moment

White Lotus Star Theo James Ditches Rock Star Dreams After Gross Moment

Before Theo James became a household name in Hollywood, he had dreams of becoming a rock star. However, a particularly unpleasant incident made him reconsider his career path. During an appearance on the “Kelly Clarkson Show,” James reminisced about his early days as a musician.

“I wanted to be a rock star,” Theo shared with the host. “I played in hundreds of gigs, I was in various different bands, most of them terrible.” His rock star aspirations came to a screeching halt after a shocking experience on stage. “When I was playing in a band, I had a bottle of urine thrown at me, which was nice. At that point, I was like, ‘Maybe I should try something else,’” he continued.

The “White Lotus” star explained that the incident likely happened due to the frustration of the audience. “It was a strange, sweaty, horrible gig,” James recalled. “I think the act before us was late, and everyone was kind of inebriated and angry. Someone decided that the best way to deal with that was to pee in a bottle and throw it at someone’s face.”

This wasn’t the only mishap James faced in his early career. “I’ve had lots of things go wrong,” he admitted. “I had my foot crushed in a moving piece of equipment onstage once. I was looking in the wrong direction, and this roller thing just crushed my entire foot.”

Despite these setbacks, James found his footing in the acting world. He is now known for his roles in various films and television series, including his notable performance in the second season of “The White Lotus.” In the show, he played Cameron Babcock, a wealthy businessman vacationing at a luxury hotel in Sicily.

James is also recognized for his willingness to take on nude scenes in his roles. He told “Entertainment Tonight” in 2022 that one particular scene in “The White Lotus” was “way too much,” leading to a reshoot for a more subtle version. In the premiere episode, Babcock is seen changing into a bathing suit, revealing everything from the back and a partial view of his front.

James joked that it’s in his contract that “I’m not allowed to do anything without being completely naked.” He has had notable nude scenes in other projects like “The Time Traveler’s Wife” and “Sanditon.” He explained that the nudity in “The White Lotus” is always “very specific” and helps drive the plot forward.

Reflecting on his journey from aspiring rock star to acclaimed actor, James’s story is a testament to resilience and adaptability. The “gross” moment that made him ditch his rock star dreams ultimately led him to a successful career in acting, where he continues to captivate audiences with his performances.

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